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Psalms, Chapter 109:


Verses from Psalms, Chapter 109 of the book of Psalms in the Bible.

Psalms - Old Testament
Psalms – Old Testament
  • 1O God, whom I admire, do not ignore my prayer,
  • 2.for unjust and deceitful men defame me with slander, casting lies about my life.
  • 3. With words of hate, they surround me, attacking me for no reason.
  • 4. Despite your wickedness, I persist in praying.
  • 5. They responded to my good with evil, and my friendship with hatred and contempt.
  • 6. Let someone stand up to accuse them; have an opponent on your side.
  • 7. When you are judged, be found guilty, even your prayers be seen as sin.
  • 8. Let your lives be short and others take your place.
  • 9May their sons become orphans and their wives widows.
  • 10. Wandering like beggars, seek bread, far from your ruined homes.
  • 11. May your possessions be seized by creditors, and strangers take the fruits of your labor.
  • 12. Let no one have compassion on them, nor pity their orphans.
  • 13. May his descendants be exterminated, his name erased in the next generation.
  • 14. May the Lord remember the wickedness of your ancestors, and the sin of your mother not be erased.
  • 15. May your sins always be before the Lord, and your family be forgotten on earth.
  • 16. For he never cared about doing good, but persecuted the poor, the needy, and the brokenhearted to the point of death.
  • 17. He cursed, and let the curse be upon him. He refused to bless, so let the blessing leave him.
  • 18. May the curse wrap around you like a garment, like water in your bones and oil in your bowels.
  • 19. Let the curse be like a cloak that covers him, like a belt tightened around him.
  • 20. May this be done to my accusers, to those who defame and slander me.
  • 21. But you, Sovereign Lord, for your name's sake, act in my favor and deliver me.
  • 22. I am poor and needy, my heart is crushed within me.
  • 23. I fade like the evening shadow, I am cast away like a grasshopper.
  • 24. My knees weaken from fasting, and my body wastes from thinness.
  • 25. I am a mockery to my accusers; When they see me, they shake their heads in contempt.
  • 26. Help me, Lord, my God! Save me by your faithful love!
  • 27. Let them know that it was your hand that acted, that you, Lord, did it.
  • 28. May my accusers be put to shame, but you, my God, will bless me.
  • 29. Cover them with dishonor, and let shame surround them like a cloak.
  • 30. With a loud voice I will give thanks to the Lord; in the midst of the assembly I will praise him.
  • 31. For he stands by the needy, to save him from those who condemn him.

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