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Proverbs Chapter 29:


Verses from Proverbs, Chapter 29 of the book of Proverbs of the Bible.

Proverbs - Old Testament
Proverbs – Old Testament
  • 1. Whoever persists in error, ignoring continuous reprimands, will find his ruin suddenly and irreversibly.
  • 2. When the righteous flourish in society, they bring joy to the people; but when the wicked are in power, lamentation and distress spread among the population.
  • 3. The man who seeks wisdom and virtue honors and rejoices the heart of his father, but he who indulges in promiscuous relationships ends up wasting his own wealth.
  • 4. A king who rules with justice and righteousness establishes stability in his nation, but one who engages in bribery is destined for ruin.
  • 5. Whoever praises his neighbor excessively is preparing a trap for himself.
  • 6. He who does evil will find his own ruin, but the righteous will sing with joy and gladness.
  • 7. The righteous consider the rights of the poor and oppressed, but the wicked do not even care about their needs.
  • 8. Mockers cause turmoil in the city, but wise men work to bring peace and harmony.
  • 9. If a wise man goes to confront a fool in court, there will be no harmony, because the fool will get angry and mock justice.
  • 10. Violent people hate the upright and seek to destroy righteous men.
  • 11. A fool gives himself over to uncontrolled anger, but a wise man maintains self-control.
  • 12. When a ruler listens to lies, all his officials become wicked.
  • 13. The Lord will grant sight to both the poor and the oppressor.
  • 14. When a king judges the poor fairly, his throne remains firm and secure.
  • 15. Discipline taught through correction brings wisdom, but a child left to fend for himself brings shame to his mother.
  • 16. While the wicked prosper, sin spreads, but the righteous will witness their downfall.
  • 17. Educate your child, and he will bring you peace and be a source of great joy for your soul.
  • 18. Where there is no divine revelation, the people go astray, but blessed are those who follow the law of the Lord!
  • 19. Isolated words are not enough to correct a slave; Even if you understand, you won't react positively.
  • 20. Have you ever noticed someone rushing to speak? There is more hope for the fool than for him.
  • 21. He who spoils his servant too much from his youth will end up encountering sadness and disappointment in the end.
  • 22. A man's anger provokes strife, and he who is hot-tempered commits many sins.
  • 23. A man's pride will lead him to humiliation, but he who has a humble spirit will be honored.
  • 24. He who is an accomplice to a thief ends up hating himself; even under oath, he dare not testify.
  • 25. He who fears men falls into a trap, but he who trusts in the Lord finds safety.
  • 26. Many seek the favor of the ruler, but it is the Lord who establishes justice and righteousness.
  • 27. The righteous detest dishonesty, while the wicked abhor men of integrity.

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