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Proverbs Chapter 27:


Verses from Proverbs, Chapter 27 of the book of Proverbs in the Bible.

Proverbs - Old Testament
Proverbs – Old Testament
  • 1. Do not be proud of tomorrow, for you do not know what it will bring.
  • 2. Let others praise you, not your own mouth; Let people praise you, not your own lips.
  • 3. Just as the stone is heavy and the sand is a burden, the irritation caused by the foolish is even heavier.
  • 4. Resentment is cruel and fury is destructive, but who is capable of enduring envy?
  • 5. Frank rebuke is preferable to veiled love.
  • 6. He who hurts out of love reveals loyalty, but the enemy multiplies kisses.
  • 7. Those who are satisfied despise honey, while for those who are hungry, even the bitter is sweet.
  • 8. Like a bird that strays far from its nest, so is a man that strays far from his home.
  • 9. Perfume and incense bring joy to the heart, and sincere advice from a friend is like a precious jewel.
  • 10. Do not abandon your friend, nor your father's friend; When you are struck by adversity, do not seek refuge in your brother's house; It is better to have a close neighbor than a distant brother.
  • 11. Be wise, my son, and you will make my heart glad; I will be able to respond to those who despise me.
  • 12. The prudent perceive danger and seek refuge; the inexperienced goes ahead and suffers the consequences.
  • 13. Take the clothes of those who serve as surety for the stranger; let it serve as a pledge for someone who becomes a guarantee for a frivolous woman.
  • 14. The blessing given loudly early in the morning is as if it were a curse received.
  • 15. A quarrelsome wife is like a constant drip on a rainy day;
  • 16. Stopping it is like stopping the wind, or grabbing oil with your hand.
  • 17. Just as iron sharpens iron, so man sharpens his companion.
  • 18. Whoever tends a fig tree will eat its fruit, and whoever treats his master well will receive honor.
  • 19. Just as water reflects the face, the heart reflects who we are.
  • 20. Sheol and Destruction are insatiable, just as the eyes of man are never satisfied.
  • 21. The crucible is for silver, the furnace is for gold, and a man is tested by the praise he receives.
  • 22. Even if you grind a fool in a mortar, his folly will not depart from him.
  • 23. Make every effort to know the condition of your sheep, pay careful attention to your flock,
  • 24. because riches do not last forever, and there is no guarantee that the crown will pass from one generation to another.
  • 25. When the hay is removed and the shoots come up, and the grass on the hills is harvested,
  • 26. the lambs will provide you with clothing, and the goats will yield the price of a field.
  • 27. There will be plenty of goat's milk to feed you and your family, and to support your female servants.

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