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Proverbs, Chapter 2:


Verses from Proverbs, Chapter 2 of the book of Proverbs of the Bible.

Proverbs - Old Testament
Proverbs – Old Testament

Moral Benefits of Wisdom

  • 1. My son, if you accept with affection the words that I transmit to you, and in your heart you keep the commandments that I give you;
  • 2. If your mind is attentive to wisdom, and you incline your heart to discernment;
  • 3. If you cry for understanding, and for discernment you raise your voice;
  • 4. If you seek wisdom as one seeks hidden treasure, and seek it as one seeks precious silver;
  • 5. Then you will understand the fear of the Lord, and you will obtain the knowledge of God.
  • 6. For from the mouth of the Lord comes wisdom, and knowledge and discernment flow from his lips.
  • 7. He reserves wisdom for the upright, and as a shield protects those who walk with integrity;
  • 8. Guard the path of the righteous, and protect the way of his faithful.
  • 9. Then you will understand what is fair, right and right, and you will learn the ways of good.
  • 10. Wisdom will dwell in your heart, and knowledge will bring pleasure to your soul.
  • 11. Common sense will protect you, and discernment will guard you.
  • 12. Wisdom will deliver you from the path of the wicked, from those who abandon the straight paths to walk in paths of darkness.
  • 13. They rejoice in doing evil, they exult in the wickedness of the wicked,
  • 14. They walk on crooked paths and stray from the true path.
  • 15. Wisdom will also free you from the immoral woman, from the one who seduces with her words and perverts;
  • 16. She who abandons her youthful companion and forgets the covenant made before God.
  • 17. The immoral woman walks towards death, her home and her home are the shadows.
  • 18. Those who seek her will never return, nor will they find the paths of life again.
  • 19. Wisdom will guide you in the paths of the righteous, and will make you stand in the paths of the upright.
  • 20. For the righteous shall inherit the earth, and shall dwell therein forever;
  • 21. While the wicked will be cast out of it, and the faithless will be uprooted.
  • 22. The Lord will preserve the land for the righteous, and the wicked will be cut off from among it.

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