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Proverbs, Chapter 17:


Verses from Proverbs, Chapter 17 of the book of Proverbs in the Bible.

Proverbs - Old Testament
Proverbs – Old Testament
  • 1. Better is a piece of dry bread accompanied by peace and tranquility than a house where there are feasts and many fights.
  • 2. The wise servant will rule over the son of shameful conduct and will have the right to inheritance as one of his brothers.
  • 3. As the crucible is for silver and the furnace is for gold, so the Lord tests the heart of man.
  • 4. The wicked pays attention to evil lips; the liar listens to the destroying tongue.
  • 5. He who mocks the poor shows contempt for their Creator; whoever rejoices in misfortune will not go unpunished.
  • 6. Children's children are a crown for the elderly, and parents are proud of their children.
  • 7. Arrogant lips do not suit a fool; much less the lying lips to the ruler!
  • 8. A bribe is a seductive resource for the person offering it; wherever he goes, he succeeds.
  • 9. He who covers up an offense promotes love, but whoever throws it in the face separates good friends.
  • 10. Reproof leaves a deeper mark on a man of understanding than a hundred lashes on a fool.
  • 11. The bad man only seeks rebellion; Therefore, a merciless officer will be sent against him.
  • 12. It is better to find a bear whose cubs have been stolen than a fool in his folly.
  • 13. Whoever returns good for evil will never stop having evil in his home.
  • 14. Provoking an argument is like opening a breach in a dam; therefore, resolve the issue before strife arises.
  • 15. Absolving the wicked and condemning the righteous are things that the Lord hates.
  • 16. What good is money in the hand of a fool if he does not seek to gain wisdom?
  • 17. A friend loves at all times; He is a brother in adversity.
  • 18. A man without sense agrees with a handshake and becomes a guarantor for his neighbor.
  • 19. He who loves argument loves sin; he who builds high doors is seeking his own ruin.
  • 20. A man with an evil heart does not prosper, and he with a deceitful tongue falls into disgrace.
  • 21. A foolish son brings nothing but sorrow, and the father of a fool brings no pleasure.
  • 22. A well-disposed heart is an efficient medicine, but an oppressed spirit dries out the bones.
  • 23. The wicked accept bribes in secret to divert the course of justice.
  • 24. The man of discernment keeps wisdom in view, but the eyes of the fool wander to the ends of the earth.
  • 25. A foolish son is the sadness of his father and the bitterness of her who gave birth to him.
  • 26. It is not good to punish the innocent, nor to flog those who deserve to be honored.
  • 27. Whoever has knowledge is measured in speech, and whoever has understanding is calm in spirit.
  • 28. Even a fool will be considered wise if he remains silent, and if he holds his tongue, he will appear to have discernment.

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