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Leviticus, Chapter 26:


Verses from Leviticus, Chapter 26 of the book of Leviticus of the Bible.

Leviticus, Chapter 26 - Seeds of Faith
Leviticus, Chapter 26 – Seeds of Faith

The blessing of obedience

  • 1. “Do not make idols or carved images or sacred pillars for yourselves. Do not set up stones with images on them or place carved stones on your land to bow down to them. I am the LORD your God.
  • 2. “Observe my Sabbaths and reverence my sanctuary. I am the LORD.
  • 3. “If you follow my decrees, obey my commandments and put them into practice,
  • 4. I will give rain at the right time, and the earth will yield its harvest, and the trees of the field will yield their fruit.
  • 5. Your threshing will last until the harvest, and the harvest until the time of sowing, and you will eat your bread until you are satisfied and you will dwell securely in the land.
  • 6. “I will give peace on earth, and you will lie down and no one will make you afraid. I will put an end to the harmful beasts of the land, and the sword will not pass through its land.
  • 7. You will pursue your enemies, and they will fall before you by the sword.
  • 8. Five of you will chase a hundred, and a hundred of you will chase ten thousand, and your enemies will fall before you by the sword.
  • 9. “I will come to myself and take care of you. I will be your God, and you will be my people.
  • 10. I will bring you into the land that I swore to give to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and I will give it to you as your possession. I am the LORD your God.”
  • 11. “I will establish my dwelling among you, and my soul will not abhor you.
  • 12. I will walk among you and be your God, and you will be my people.
  • 13. I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt so that you would not be their slaves. I broke the bars of the yoke that weighed you down and made you walk with your heads held high.

Punishment for disobedience

  • 14. “If you do not listen to me and do all these commandments,
  • 15. and if you reject my decrees and your souls abhor my statutes, so that you do not want to do them, break my covenant,
  • 16. then I will do the same to you; I will send terror upon you, a sickness and a fever that will make your eyes waste away and your life will waste away. I will sow uselessness in your seeds, for your enemies will eat them.
  • 17. “I will turn my face against you, and you will be defeated by your enemies. Those who hate you will dominate you, and you will flee without anyone pursuing you.
  • 18. “If you still don't listen to me, I will punish you seven times more for your sins.
  • 19. I will break the pride of your strength. I will make your heaven like iron and your earth like bronze.
  • 20. Your strength will be consumed in vain, and your land will not yield its harvest, and the trees of the field will not yield their fruit.
  • 21. “If you act contrary to me and do not listen to me, I will continue to punish you seven times more for your sins.
  • 22. I will send wild beasts against you, and they will steal your children, kill your livestock and reduce your numbers, and the roads will be deserted.
  • 23. “If you still do not correct yourselves, but continue to act contrary to me,
  • 24. I too will act contrary to you. I myself will punish them seven times for their sins.
  • 25. I will bring the sword against you to avenge my covenant. When you take refuge in your cities, I will send plague among you, and you will be delivered into the hands of the enemy.
  • 26. When I take your food from you, ten women will bake your bread in one oven and give it back to you by measure. You will eat, but you will not be satisfied.
  • 27. “If you still don’t listen to me and continue to act contrary to me,
  • 28. I will act against you with furious anger; I myself will punish them seven times for their sins.
  • 29. You will eat the flesh of your sons and your daughters.
  • 30. I will destroy the places of worship and tear down their images. I will cause their corpses to be scattered among their idols and I will reject their souls.
  • 31. I will turn your cities into desolation and reduce your sanctuaries to ruins. I will no longer smell the pleasant aroma of your offerings.
  • 32. I will destroy the land, so that the enemies who possess it will be amazed.
  • 33. I will scatter you among the nations and draw the sword behind you. Their land will be desolate, and their cities will be in ruins.
  • 34. “Then the land will enjoy its Sabbaths all the days that it is desolate, while you are in the land of your enemies. The land will rest and enjoy its Sabbaths.
  • 35. Every day that it is desolate, it will rest, because it did not rest on the Sabbaths when you lived in it.
  • 36. “However, those who survive in sufficient numbers will be left scattered among the nations.
  • 37. In your enemies, the heart will melt with fear, and the sound of a leaf carried by the wind will pursue them. They will flee as if from the sword, and will fall without anyone pursuing them.
  • 38. They will stumble over each other as if they were fleeing from the sword, but no one will pursue them. You will not have the power to resist your enemies.
  • 39 You will perish among the nations, and the land of your enemies will consume you.
  • 40. “Then their survivors will perish because of their own wickedness, and also because of the wickedness of their fathers.+
  • 41. “When you are in the land of your enemies, your uncircumcised heart will be humbled, and you will pay for your iniquity.
  • 42. I will remember my covenant with Jacob and my covenant with Isaac and my covenant with Abraham, and I will remember the land.
  • 43. The land will be desolate because of them, and it will enjoy its Sabbaths while it is desolate without you. They will pay for their iniquity, because they have rejected my judgments and their souls have abhorred my statutes.
  • 44. Yet even so, when they are in the land of their enemies, I will not reject them, nor will I abhor them so as to utterly destroy them, nor will I break my covenant with them; for I am the LORD their God.
  • 45. For their sake I will remember the covenant with their ancestors, whom I brought out of the land of Egypt in the sight of the nations, to be their God. I am the LORD.”
  • 46. These are the statutes, judgments and laws that the LORD established between himself and the children of Israel, on Mount Sinai, through Moses.

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