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Leviticus, Chapter 25:


Verses from Leviticus, Chapter 25 of the book of Leviticus of the Bible.

Leviticus Chapter 25 - Seeds of Faith
Leviticus, Chapter 25 – Seeds of Faith

The sabbatical year

  • 1. The LORD spoke to Moses on Mount Sinai:
  • 2. “Speak to the Israelites and say to them: When you enter the land that I give you, the land will keep a Sabbath to the LORD.
  • 3. For six years they will sow the fields, and for six years they will prune the vineyards and harvest their crops.
  • 4. But in the seventh year the land will have a Sabbath of rest, a Sabbath dedicated to the LORD. Do not sow the fields, nor prune the vineyards.
  • 5. Do not harvest what grows spontaneously from the grains that have been sown and do not harvest the grapes from the vines that have not been pruned. The land will have a year of rest.
  • 6. “All the crops of the rest of the land will be food for you: for you, your manservant and your maidservant, for the hired laborer and the resident alien who are among you,
  • 7. for your livestock and the wild animals of your land. Everything the earth produces will be food for you.

The jubilee year

  • 8. “Count seven weeks of years, seven times seven years, a total of forty-nine years.
  • 9. Then, on the tenth day of the seventh month, on the Day of Atonement, sound the trumpet throughout your land.
  • 10. Hallow the fiftieth year and proclaim liberation throughout the land for all its inhabitants. This year will be a jubilee for you, when each of you will return to your homestead and family.
  • 11. The fiftieth year will be a jubilee for you. Do not sow or harvest what grows spontaneously or harvest grapes from vines that have not been pruned.
  • 12. The jubilee will be a holy year for you; only eat what is harvested directly from the field.
  • 13. In this year of jubilee each of you will return to your homestead.
  • 14. “When you sell something to your neighbor or buy something from him, let none of you harm your brother.
  • 15. Buy from your neighbor according to the number of years since the last jubilee. He will sell it to you according to the number of years of harvest.
  • 16. The greater the number of years, the greater the price you will have to pay; and the fewer the number of years, the lower the price, because what he is selling to you is the number of crops.
  • 17. Do not harm one another, but fear your God. I am the LORD, your God.
  • 18. “Obey my decrees and my commandments and do them. So you will live safely in the land.
  • 19. The land will yield its fruit, and you will eat to your heart's content and live safely in it.
  • 20. “But if they say, 'What will we eat in the seventh year unless we sow and reap the harvest?'
  • 21. I will give you my blessing in the sixth year, so that the land will produce food for three years.
  • 22. In the eighth year you sow, but you will eat what is left over from the previous year; until the ninth year they will eat what is left, until the harvest of the new year comes.
  • 23. “The land cannot be sold permanently, because the land belongs to me, and you are foreigners and temporary residents in my presence.
  • 24. In all the land that you possess, grant the right of redemption of the land.
  • 25. “If one of your brothers becomes poor and sells some of his property, the nearest relative may go and redeem it, according to the right of redemption that belongs to his relatives.
  • 26. If there is no relative to redeem what he sold, but he himself becomes prosperous and has enough to redeem,
  • 27. calculate the value of the years since he sold it and return the excess value to the man to whom he sold it; he will thus return to his property.
  • 28. But if he is unable to redeem it, what he sold will remain in the hands of the buyer until the year of jubilee. On jubilee, the property will be released and he can return to his property.
  • 29. “When someone sells a house in a walled city, they will have one year to redeem it.
  • 30. If not redeemed before the end of one year, the house in the walled city will become the permanent property of the buyer and his descendants; will not be released on the jubilee.
  • 31. However, houses in unwalled villages will be considered country property. They will be released on the jubilee.
  • 32. “As for the cities of the Levites, the Levites have the perpetual right to redeem the houses in the cities that belong to them.
  • 33. If a Levite does not redeem a house in a city that belongs to him within the deadline, the house in the city of the Levites will be released during the jubilee, because the houses in the cities of the Levites are their property among the Israelites.
  • 34. The pastures around their cities cannot be sold, as they are their perpetual property.
  • 35. “If one of your brothers becomes poor and has no means to support himself among you, help him as if he were a foreigner or temporary resident, so that he can continue to live among you.
  • 36. They do not charge interest or increase the loan amount. Respect your God, so that your brothers may live with you.
  • 37. Do not lend them money for profit and do not charge interest. Fear your God, so that your brother may continue to live among you.
  • 38. Do not charge him interest in money or food, but fear your God, so that your brother may continue to live among you.
  • 39. “If an Israelite becomes a slave to another Israelite, do not treat him as a slave, but as a hired worker, as a temporary resident. He shall work for you until the year of jubilee.
  • 40. Then he and his sons will be able to leave and return to their own family and the property of their ancestors.
  • 41. “For the Israelites are my servants; they are my servants, whom I brought out of the land of Egypt. I am the LORD, your God.
  • 42. “Do not sell your fellow Israelites into slavery.
  • 43. “Do not rule them harshly, but fear your God.
  • 44. “If you want male or female slaves, buy them from the nations around you.
  • 45. You will also be able to buy male and female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you and their families who were born in your land. These will become your property
  • 46. and you can pass them on to your children as property, and you can have them as slaves forever. But toward your fellow Israelites, do not be hard on one another.
  • 47. “If a foreigner or temporary resident living with you becomes rich, and one of his fellow Israelites becomes poor and sells himself to him, or to one of the foreigner's descendants,
  • 48. he will have the right of redemption even after he has sold himself. One of your relatives will be able to rescue you.
  • 49. His own brother, or his uncle or cousin, or any close member of his family will be able to redeem him. If you get rich, you can redeem yourself.
  • 50. He will make an agreement with the one to whom he sold himself and calculate the value of the years from the year in which he sold himself until the year of jubilee, and the price to be paid will be in proportion to the number of years. The time he will work for whoever bought him will be like that of a hired worker.
  • 51. If there are still many years left before the jubilee, he will pay to redeem himself, according to the price proportional to the number of years still remaining.
  • 52. If there are only a few years left until the jubilee, he will make an agreement with him according to the number of years remaining, and he will pay the proportionate price.
  • 53. He will be treated as a hired worker during the period he is with the person who bought him, and the employer must not treat him harshly in his eyes.
  • 54. If he is not rescued in any of these ways, he and his sons will go out in the year of jubilee.
  • 55. For the Israelites are my servants. They are my servants, whom I brought out of Egypt. I am the LORD, your God.

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