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Leviticus, Chapter 13:


Verses from Leviticus, Chapter 13 of the book of Leviticus of the Bible.

Leviticus - Old Testament
Leviticus – Old Testament

Laws regarding leprosy

  • 1. The Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying:
  • 2. When a man has a swelling, or a boil, or a red spot, on the skin of his flesh, and it is like a plague of leprosy on the skin of his flesh, then he shall be brought to Aaron the priest, or to one of his priest sons.
  • 3. And the priest shall examine the plague in the skin of the flesh; If the hair in the plague has turned white, and the plague appears deeper than the skin of your flesh, it is a plague of leprosy; and the priest will examine him, and declare him unclean.
  • 4. But if there is a white spot on the skin of his flesh, which does not appear deeper than the skin, and his hair has not turned white, then the priest will shut up the one who has the plague for seven days.
  • 5. And on the seventh day the priest shall examine him; and behold, the plague has stopped in his sight, and there are no yellow marks on his skin, and his hair has not turned white, and the plague does not appear deeper than the skin,
  • 6. Then he who has the plague will shave himself, but he will not shave his head; but the priest will shut him up for seven days the second time.
  • 7. And the priest will examine him on the seventh day, and behold, if the plague has spread to the skin, the priest will declare him unclean; It's leprosy.
  • 8. But if the plague has not spread on the skin, and there are no yellow marks on it, but the plague has disappeared, he who has the plague shall wash himself in water, and be unclean until evening.
  • 9. And if another plague is made on the skin of the flesh, and it is healed,
  • 10. Then the priest will examine it, and behold, if the plague has turned white, then the priest will pronounce it clean; it is purification.
  • 11. But if it remains in its place on the skin, and has not spread out, but has faded away, then it will be the second time that the priest examines it; and behold, if the plague is gone from the skin, the priest will pronounce him clean; it is purification.
  • 12. But if the plague has spread to the skin after it has been seen by the priest to be declared clean, then the priest will examine it again;
  • 13. And when the priest saw it, behold, if the plague had spread in the skin, the priest would not look for the yellow hair; it is filthy.
  • 14. But if the plague is blank after it has been seen by the priest,
  • 15. Then the priest will examine him; and behold, if the plague has turned white, the priest will pronounce him clean who has the plague; and clean.
  • 16. Also when there is a tumor in the skin of the flesh, and it heals,
  • 17. Then the place of the tumor will become a white place; or it will become white, or reddish white, and will be shown to the priest.
  • 18. Then the priest will examine him; and behold, if in the skin of his flesh there be living flesh in a tumor,
  • 19. The priest will declare him unclean; it is a plague of leprosy on the head or beard.
  • 20. And when the priest looks upon that plague, and, behold, if the appearance of the plague is deeper than the skin, and there is fine yellow hair in it, then the priest shall pronounce him unclean; It's scabies, it's leprosy of the head or beard.
  • 21. But if the priest looks at the plague scab, and behold, no yellow hair appears on it, and it does not appear deeper than the skin, but it is dark, then the priest shall shut it up for seven days.
  • 22. And if it still remains on the skin, then the priest will declare him unclean; It's a plague.
  • 23. But if the stain remains in your sight, and does not spread, it is a scar of the plague; then the priest will declare him clean.
  • 24. Also when the flesh has on the skin of its flesh a burning of fire, and its flesh has a burning of fire, instead of a white, red or reddish-white ulcer,
  • 25. Then the priest will examine him, and behold, if the hair on the burn has turned white, and if the appearance of the burn is deeper than the skin, it is leprosy that has come out of the burn; therefore the priest will declare him unclean; It's a plague of leprosy.
  • 26. But if the priest looks at it, and behold, if the hair on it has not turned white, and its appearance is not deeper than the skin, but is dark, then the priest will shut it up for seven days.
  • 27. And the priest shall examine him on the seventh day; and if the appearance of the plague has spread to the skin, then the priest will declare him unclean; It's a plague of leprosy.
  • 28. But if the appearance of the plague is in its place, and it has not extended into the skin, but is dark, it is swelling of the burn; therefore the priest will declare him clean; It's a burn scar.
  • 29. And when a man or a woman has a white plague or white spot on the skin of his body,
  • 30. Then the priest will look at her, and behold, if the spot on the skin of her flesh is white, and appears deeper than the skin, it is leprosy that has come into the skin; Therefore, the priest will declare him unclean; he will not shut him up, because he is unclean.
  • 31. But if the priest looks at the spot of the plague, and behold, if its appearance is not deeper than the skin, and there is no black hair in it, then the priest will shut up him who has the plague for seven days .
  • 32. And on the seventh day the priest shall examine him; and behold, if the plague has not spread, and there are no yellow hairs in it, nor appear deeper than the skin,
  • 33. Then he who has the plague shall shave his head, but he shall not shave the spot; the priest will shut him up a second time for seven days.
  • 34. And the priest shall examine the plague on the seventh day; and behold, if the plague has not spread to the skin, and does not appear deeper than the skin, then the priest will pronounce him clean; and he will wash his clothes, and he will be clean.
  • 35. But if the plague has spread to the skin after he has shown himself to the priest to be declared clean, then the priest will examine him; and behold, if the plague has spread to the skin, the priest will declare him unclean; It's leprosy.
  • 36. But if a red tumor appears on the skin and has turned white or reddish white, then the priest will examine it; and behold, if the appearance of the plague is deeper than the skin, and there is yellow hair in it, the priest will pronounce him unclean; It's leprosy, it's leprosy on the head or beard.
  • 37. But if the priest looks at the sore of the plague, and behold, if it appears to be no deeper than the skin, and there is no black hair in it, then the priest will shut up him who has the plague for seven days.
  • 38. And on the seventh day the priest shall examine him; and behold, if the wound has spread on the skin, the priest will declare him unclean; It's leprosy.
  • 39. And if anyone has a tumor, or a boil, or a white spot, on the skin of his flesh, and there appears to be a disease of leprosy on the skin of his flesh, then he shall be presented to the priest, to Aaron, or to one of his sons, the priests. .
  • 40. And the man whose skin there is a tumor, or a boil, or a spot, and it looks like the plague of leprosy, shall be brought to the priest.
  • 41. And if the priest sees that there is white inflammation in the skin of his flesh, and it appears in the skin deeper than the skin, it is a plague of leprosy; the priest will declare him unclean; he will not shut him up, because he is unclean.
  • 42. But if there is living flesh in that inflammation, it is unclean.
  • 43. And when the priest sees him, if the inflammation on the skin is whitish, and the inflammation on the skin is deeper than the skin, it is leprosy; the priest will declare him unclean; he will not shut him up, because he is unclean.
  • 44. But the leper, who has the plague, his clothes will be torn, and his head will be uncovered, and he will put a covering over his mustache, and he will cry out: Unclean, unclean!
  • 45. As long as he has the plague, he will be unclean; it is filthy; he will dwell alone; outside the camp will be his dwelling.
  • 46. The clothes you put on while your flesh is also there will be washed; However, if the plague extends to the clothing, or the fabric, or the warp, or the spindled, or any work of skins, it is a plague of leprosy; but it will be shown to the priest.
  • 47. And when the priest sees the plague, he will wash the garment that has the plague on it, and he will isolate it for seven more days.
  • 48. Then you will see the plague again; and if the plague has spread to the garment, or to the fabric, or to the warp, or to the spunbond, or to any piece of leather, it is malignant leprosy; It's a filthy thing.
  • 49. Therefore he shall burn the garment, or the woven cloth, or the warp, or the spindled, or any article of skin, in which the plague is; because it is a malignant plague of leprosy; in fire it will be burned.
  • 50. And the priest shall examine the plague, and shut up the cursed thing for seven days.
  • 51. And he will examine the plague again on the seventh day; and if the plague is stopped, and the plague does not spread on the garment, nor in the warp, nor in the fabric, nor in the spindle, nor in any article of fur,
  • 52. Then he will order the priest to wash the area where the disease is, and he will isolate it again for another seven days.
  • 53. Afterwards, he will examine the plague again, and when the priest sees that the plague has spread to the garment, or to the warp, or to the fabric, or to the lining, or to any piece of fur, it is an evil plague; It's a filthy thing.
  • 54. And when the priest sees it, he will order the one who has the plague to be burned; because it is an evil plague; in fire it will be burned.
  • 55. And after the clothes have been washed, and the priest sees that the plague has not changed color, even though it has not spread, it is unclean; you will burn it in fire; rotten plague is; whether the stain is on the right or left side.
  • 56. But if the priest, when he looks, sees that the plague has stopped after it has been washed, then he will remove the plague from the garment, or from the leather, or from the warp, or from the cloth.
  • 57. But if the plague appears again on the garment, or on the warp, or on the fabric, or on anything made of fur, it is a plague that sprouts again; you will burn with fire what has the plague.
  • 58. And the garment, or the warp, or the woven cloth, or anything made of fur, from which you rid yourself of the plague, you shall again wash, and it will be clean.
  • 59. This is the law of the plague of leprosy in woolen or linen clothing, in warp or woven fabric, or in anything made of fur, to declare whether it is clean or unclean.

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