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Joshua Chapter 7:


Versículos de Josué, Capítulo 7 do livro de Josué da Bíblia.

Joshua - Old Testament
Joshua - Old Testament

Achan's sin

  • 1. But the Israelites were unfaithful and took consecrated things for themselves. Achan son of Carmi, of the tribe of Judah, took possession of some of them. And the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel.
  • 2. Then Joshua sent spies to Ai, a city near Beth-aven, east of Bethel, and ordered, "Go up and search the region." The spies went up and investigated Ai.
  • 3. When they returned to Joshua, they said, “It is not necessary to send the whole army to attack Ai. Send only two or three thousand men. They are few, and we don't need to wear out the whole army.”
  • 4. So about three thousand men were sent to attack the city, but the men of Ai routed them.
  • 5. They killed thirty-six Israelites and pursued them from the city gate to Sebarim, where they wounded them on the way down. In the face of this, the people were discouraged and downcast.
  • 6. Then Joshua and the authorities of Israel tore their clothes, prostrated themselves with their face to the ground before the ark of the Lord, covering their heads with earth. They remained like that until the afternoon.
  • 7. Joshua exclaimed: “Ah, Sovereign Lord! Why have you brought us here across Jordan? Was it to deliver us into the hands of the Amorites and destroy us? It would have been better if we had stayed on the other side of the Jordan!
  • 8. O Lord, what shall I say now that Israel has been defeated by her enemies?
  • 9. The Canaanites and all the inhabitants of this land will know about this and will surround us, and then they will erase our name from the face of the earth. What will you do for your great name?”
  • 10. The Lord said to Joshua, “Get up! Why are you lying there?
  • 11. Israel has sinned; they violated my covenant that I commanded them. They took consecrated things for themselves, stole them and hid them among their belongings.
  • 12. This is why the Israelites cannot resist their enemies; they flee from them because they have become the subject of a curse. If you do not remove from among you what was consecrated to destruction, I will no longer be with you.
  • 13. Go, sanctify the people. Say to them, 'Consecrate yourselves for tomorrow, for this is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: There are holy things among you, O Israel. You will not be able to resist your enemies until you remove these things.
  • 14. The next morning, present yourselves in order of tribes. The tribe that the Lord chooses will approach in order of clans, and the clan that the Lord chooses will approach in order of families. And the family that the Lord chooses will approach man by man.
  • 15. Whoever is found with the consecrated things will be burned, he and everything belonging to him, for he has broken the covenant of the LORD and brought disaster on Israel.”
  • 16. The next morning, Joshua ordered everyone to present themselves by tribes, and the tribe of Judah was chosen.
  • 17. The clans of Judah drew near, and the clan of the Zerahites was chosen. Then the families of the Zerahites drew near, and the family of Zimri was chosen.
  • 18. Finally, the men of Zimri approached, and Achan, son of Carmi and grandson of Zimri, of the tribe of Judah, was chosen.
  • 19. Joshua said to Achan, “My son, give glory to the Lord, the God of Israel, and confess what you have done. Do not hide anything from me".
  • 20. Achan replied, “True, I have sinned against the LORD, the God of Israel. I did the following:
  • 21. When I saw among the spoils a beautiful cape from Babylon, two hundred and fifty shekels of silver, and a bar of gold weighing fifty shekels, I coveted them and took them. They are hidden in the floor of my tent, with the silver underneath.”
  • 22. So Joshua sent men who went to Achan's tent and found the things hidden there, with the silver underneath.
  • 23. They brought them to Joshua and to all the Israelites and laid them before the LORD.
  • 24. Joshua, together with all Israel, took Achan, the silver, the cover, the bar of gold, his sons and daughters, his oxen, donkeys and sheep, his tent and everything that belonged to him. They took us to the valley of Achor.
  • 25. Then Joshua said, “Why have you brought such disgrace on us? The Lord will bring disgrace upon you today!” And all Israel stoned Achan, his sons and daughters, his animals and all that belonged to him. They burned us in the fire.
  • 26. Over Achan they raised a great pile of stones, which remains to this day. So the Lord turned his fury away from Israel. Therefore, that place was named the valley of Achor, which means “valley of disgrace”, and is still called that today.

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