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Joshua, Chapter 3:


Joshua Verses, Chapter 3 of the Book of Joshua of the Bible.

Joshua - Old Testament
Joshua - Old Testament

The crossing of the Jordan

  • 1. The next morning, Joshua and all the Israelites left Shittim and arrived at the Jordan, where they camped before crossing the river.
  • 2. Three days later, officers toured the camp
  • 3. and they gave this order to the people: “When you see the ark of the covenant of the Lord your God, and the Levite priests carrying the ark, leave your positions and follow them.
  • 4. Keep a distance of about nine hundred meters between you and the ark; Don't get too close! This way you will know which way to go, as you have never been there.”
  • 5. Joshua commanded the people: “Prepare yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you.”
  • 6. He said to the priests, “Lift up the ark of the covenant and go ahead of the people.” They lifted her up and began to march ahead.
  • 7. And the Lord said to Joshua, “Today I will begin to exalt you before all Israel, so that they may know that I am with you just as I was with Moses.
  • 8. Therefore, give the following instructions to the priests who carry the ark of the covenant: When you reach the banks of the Jordan, stop by the river.”
  • 9. Joshua then said to the Israelites, “Come and listen to the words of the Lord your God.
  • 10. Know that the living God is among you and will certainly drive out the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Hivites, the Perizzites, the Girgashites, the Amorites and the Jebusites from before you.
  • 11. See, the ark of the covenant of the Sovereign of all the earth will cross the Jordan ahead of you.
  • 12. Now choose twelve men from each tribe of Israel.
  • 13. When the priests who carry the ark of the Lord, the Sovereign of all the earth, set foot in the Jordan, the waters of the river will be dammed and form a wall.”
  • 14. When the people left the camp to cross the Jordan, the priests carrying the ark of the covenant went ahead.
  • 15. (The Jordan overflows on both banks during harvest time.) As soon as the priests carrying the ark of the covenant reached the Jordan and their feet touched the water,
  • 16. The river stopped flowing and formed a wall at a great distance, near the city of Adam, near Zarethan. The waters that flowed towards the Arabah Sea, the Salt Sea, drained completely. And so the people crossed the river in front of Jericho.
  • 17. The priests who carried the ark of the covenant of the Lord remained on dry land in the middle of the Jordan, while all Israel passed by, until the entire nation crossed on foot on dry land.

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