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Joshua, Chapter 16:


Joshua Verses, Chapter 16 of the Book of Joshua of the Bible.

Joshua - Old Testament
Joshua - Old Testament

The territory of Ephraim and Manasseh

  • 1. The lands that were distributed to Joseph's descendants extended from the Jordan, near Jericho, east of the waters of Jericho. From there, it continued through the desert to the mountains that went from Jericho to Bethel.
  • 2. From Bethel, also known as Luz, the border extended to the territory of the Archites at Ataroth.
  • 3. Then it descended westward into the territory of the Japhletites, reaching the region of Lower Beth-Horon, and continued to Gezer, ending at the sea.
  • 4. Thus the descendants of Manasseh and Ephraim, sons of Joseph, received their inheritance.
  • 5. This was the inheritance of the tribe of Ephraim, clan by clan: The border of their inheritance ran from Ataroth-Adar in the east to Beth-Horon Upper.
  • 6. From Michmetah in the north it curved eastward to Taanath-Shiloh, passing through it and continuing on to Janoah in the east.
  • 7. Then it went down from Janoa to Ataroth and Naarath, passed through Jericho and ended at the Jordan.
  • 8. From Tapua the border ran westward to the Brook of Cana and ended at the sea. This was the inheritance of the tribe of Ephraim, clan by clan,
  • 9. including all the cities with their respective villages, which were set apart for the Ephraimites within the inheritance of the Manassites.
  • 10. However, the Canaanites who lived in Gezer were not expelled and still live among the people of Ephraim to this day, but they are subject to forced labor.

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