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Job, Chapter 6:


Verses from Job, Chapter 6 of the book of Job in the Bible.

Job - Old Testament
Job – Old Testament


  • 1. Then Job answered and said:
  • 2. “If only they could weigh my affliction and place my calamity in the scales!
  • 3. They would see that it is heavier than the sand of the seas; therefore my words are impetuous.
  • 4. The arrows of the Almighty have sunk into me, and their poison has drained my spirit; the terrors of God have overwhelmed me.
  • 5. Does the wild donkey neigh when it has pasture? Does the ox low when it has fodder?
  • 6 Is tasteless food eaten without salt? Is the taste of raw egg something pleasant?
  • 7. I refuse to touch these foods; they are disgusting to me.
  • 8 .”Oh, if only my request were granted, if only God would grant what I long for!
  • 9. If He decided to crush me and release His hand against me, I would be eliminated!
  • 10. It would still console me, it would rejoice me in the midst of relentless pain that I did not deny the words of the Saint.
  • 11. What hope do I have if I have no strength? How can I have patience if my end is sealed?
  • 12. Is my strength the strength of rocks? Is my flesh like bronze?
  • 13. Have I not lost all help, and have not all resources been exhausted?
  • 14. “The compassion of friends should be offered to the desperate afflicted one, though he has abandoned the fear of the Almighty.
  • 15. My brothers have proved themselves false as streams, like stream beds that dry up,
  • 16. which are clouded by frost and disappear when the heat arrives.
  • 17. In the time of their flood they overflow, but in the time of drought they disappear from their beds.
  • 18. Caravans stray from their route, get lost in the deserts and perish.
  • 19. The travelers of Tema seek water, the merchants of Sheba have hope.
  • 20. They are disappointed because they trusted; when they arrive, they find only desolation.
  • 21. Now you are as nothing to me; when you see my terrible situation, you are afraid.
  • 22. Have I asked anything of you or asked for your generosity?
  • 23. You did not even try to help me against the oppressor; you did not rescue me from the clutches of the enemy.
  • 24. “Teach me, and I will be silent; show me where I have gone wrong.
  • 25. How painful are sincere words! But what are you trying to prove with your arguments?
  • 26. Do you regard my words as wind? Would you reject the words of a desperate man?
  • 27. You would even cast lots for the orphan and trade your friend for a pittance!
  • 28. Now I ask you to look at me; am I lying to you?
  • 29. Please reconsider, do not be unfair; analyze the issue again, for my integrity is at stake.
  • 30. Is there iniquity in my lips? Can my mouth not discern evil?

Online Bible

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