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Job, Chapter 35:


Verses from Job, Chapter 35 of the book of Job in the Bible.

  • 1. Then Elihu continued to speak:
  • 2. “Do you think this is fair? You say, 'I will be justified by God.'
  • 3. But you ask, 'What advantage have I, and what do I gain if I do not sin?'
  • 4. “I will give an answer to you and your friends who are with you.
  • 5. Look to the heavens and see; look at the clouds, so high.
  • 6. If you sin, how will it affect you? If your sins are many, what will it do to you?
  • 7. If you are righteous, what will you give to God? Or what will he receive from your hand?
  • 8. Your impiety only affects people, your fellow human beings, and your justice only affects humans.
  • 9. “People cry out under oppression; they beg for release from the arms of the powerful.
  • 10. But no one says, 'Where is God, my Creator, who gives songs in the night,
  • 11. who teaches us more than the beasts of the earth and makes us wiser than the birds of the air?'
  • 12. When they cry, he does not answer, because of the arrogance of the wicked.
  • 13. Surely God does not hear vain prayer, and the Almighty does not consider it.
  • 14. How much less when you say that you do not see him, that your cause is before him and you have to wait for him.
  • 15. But now, because his anger does not punish, nor cares about transgression,
  • 16. Job opens his mouth to vanities; he multiplies words in his ignorance.”

Online Bible

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