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Job, Chapter 34:


Verses from Job, Chapter 34 of the book of Job in the Bible.

Job - Old Testament
Job – Old Testament
  • 1. Then Elihu continued, saying:
  • 2. “Listen to my words, you who are wise; Pay attention, you who have knowledge.
  • 3. For the ear judges words, just as the taste tests food.
  • 4. Let us discern together what is fair and learn what is good.
  • 5. Job says, 'I am innocent, but God denies me justice.
  • 6. Although I am right, I am considered a liar; Even though I am blameless, your arrows wound me deeply.'
  • 7. Which man is like Job, who drinks mockery like water?
  • 8. He unites himself with those who do evil and keeps company with the wicked.
  • 9. For he says: 'It is of no benefit to please God.'
  • 10. Therefore listen to me, you who have discernment; Far from God be evil, and from the Almighty, iniquity.
  • 11. God will repay a man according to his works and will give him what his conduct deserves.
  • 12. Is it not true that God does not do evil, and that the Almighty does not pervert justice?
  • 13. Who appointed him as arbiter of the land? Who entrusted you with the whole world?
  • 14. If God were to withdraw his spirit and his breath, all humanity would perish and man would return to dust.
  • 15. Therefore, if you have understanding, listen to me and pay attention to what I say.
  • 16. Don't you agree that it is true that God is just? So how dare you question him?
  • 17. Could you condemn the Almighty, the one who is perfectly righteous?
  • 18. He says to kings, 'You are worthless,' and to nobles, 'You are wicked.'
  • 19. He makes no difference between princes and the poor, for they are all the work of his hands.
  • 20. In a moment they die, in the middle of the night; the people are shaken and pass away; the powerful are taken away without human intervention.
  • 21. For the eyes of God are upon the ways of men; he sees your every step.
  • 22. There is no darkness or deep shadow where the workers of iniquity can hide.
  • 23. God does not need more time to judge man, without the need for a court.
  • 24. He breaks the mighty without inquiry, and puts others in their place.
  • 25. He knows their works; he strikes them down in the night, and they are crushed.
  • 26. Because they are wicked, he strikes them in a public place,
  • 27. for they turned away from him and did not consider his ways.
  • 28. They made the cry of the poor reach God, and he heard the cry of the needy.
  • 29. But if he remains silent, who will condemn him? If he hides his face, who will see him? He rules over nations and men,
  • 30. so that the wicked will not reign and there will be no traps against the people.
  • 31. Suppose someone says to God: 'I made mistakes, but I will not sin again.
  • 32. Show me what I can't see; If I acted badly, I won't do it again'.
  • 33. Should God reward you when you reject correction? You are the one who should decide, not me; So tell me what you know.
  • 34. “Sensible, wise people who listen to me will say:
  • 35. 'Job does not know what he says; there is no wisdom in your words.'
  • 36. Oh, if Job were tried to the extreme by his impious words!
  • 37. For he adds to his rebellion more sin; he claps his hands in contempt among us and multiplies his words against God.”

Online Bible

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