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Job, Chapter 33:


Verses from Job, Chapter 33 of the book of Job in the Bible.

Job - Old Testament
Job – Old Testament
  • 1. “Now, Job, listen carefully to my words; pay attention to everything I'm going to say.
  • 2. I'm about to open my mouth; my words are ready to be spoken.
  • 3. What I will say comes from a sincere heart; my lips will speak with the purest truth.
  • 4. The breath of God gave me life; the breath of the Almighty makes me exist.
  • 5. If you can, answer me; prepare to argue against me.
  • 6. Just like you, I am also formed from clay; We were both created by God.
  • 7. Therefore, do not be afraid of me; my hand will not weigh you down.
  • 8″But you stated in my ears, and I heard clearly:
  • 9. 'I am clean and without sin; I am pure and free from guilt.
  • 10. However, God looks for pretexts to treat me as an enemy; he considers me his adversary.
  • 11. He puts my feet in fetters; watch all my ways'.
  • 12. “But I say you are wrong, for God is greater than man.
  • 13. Why do you complain to Him that you do not respond to the words of men?
  • 14. Indeed, God speaks, sometimes in one way, sometimes in another, but man does not always understand.
  • 15. Through dreams, through night visions, when sleep falls on people and they fall asleep in their beds,
  • 16. God can speak in their ears and scare them with warnings,
  • 17. with the purpose of turning man away from his sin and freeing him from pride,
  • 18. to keep his soul from the pit, and his life from the sword.
  • 19. Or else, on the bed of pain, with incessant suffering in your bones,
  • 20. so that your life begins to detest food and your soul begins to despise the tastiest food.
  • 21. His flesh is consumed until it disappears; his bones, which were previously hidden, now come into view.
  • 22. His soul approaches the pit, and his life approaches the angels of death.
  • 23. “However, if one angel stands by his side, one messenger among a thousand, to intercede for a man and tell him what is right,
  • 24. to show him compassion and say, 'Redeem him from going down to the pit, for I have found a ransom for him,'
  • 25. then your flesh will become as fresh as a child; he will be young again.
  • 26. He will pray to God, who will favor him; will see the face of God and sing for joy, for God will restore his righteousness.
  • 27. Then he will stand before the others and confess: 'I sinned and perverted what was right, but God did not repay me as I deserved.
  • 28. He rescued my soul from the pit, and now I am enjoying the light.'
  • 29. “God performs these things with man, two or three times,
  • 30. to bring back your soul from the pit, to illuminate you with the light of life.
  • 31. “Job, pay attention and listen to me; be silent, and I will speak.
  • 32. If you have something to say, answer me; speak now, as I would like to prove you right.
  • 33. But if you have nothing to say, listen to me; be silent, and I will teach you wisdom.”

Online Bible

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