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Job, Chapter 31:


Verses from Job, Chapter 31 of the book of Job in the Bible.

Job - Old Testament
Job – Old Testament
  • 1. “I made a deal with my eyes not to look lustfully at young women.
  • 2. What is the portion that man receives from God, from above? What is your inheritance from the Almighty, who dwells on high?
  • 3. Is it not ruin for the wicked and disgrace for those who do evil?
  • 4. Does God not see my paths and consider each of my steps?
  • 5. “If I have walked falsely, or if my feet have made haste to deceive,
  • 6. May God weigh me in fair scales and know that I am not to blame.
  • 7. If my steps have strayed from the path, if my heart has followed my eyes, or if my hands have become stained,
  • 8. May others eat what I planted and may my crops be uprooted.
  • 9. “If my heart was seduced by a woman, or if I lurked at my neighbor's door,
  • 10let my wife grind grain for another man and let others have sex with her.
  • 11. For that would be a terrible crime, a sin worthy of judgment.
  • 12. This is a fire that consumes to destruction; I would have destroyed my entire harvest.
  • 13. “If I denied justice to my male and female servants when they had complaints against me,
  • 14. What will I do when God confronts me? What will I answer when I am called to account?
  • 15. Did he who formed me in my mother's womb also form them? Aren't we all created by the same God?
  • 16. “If I have not heeded the poor man's desires, if I have weary the widow's eyes,
  • 17. If I ate my bread alone and did not share it with the orphan,
  • 18. Since I raised him from his youth as if I were his father, and from his birth I guided the widow,
  • 19. If I saw someone perish for lack of clothing, or someone in need without a blanket,
  • 20. and if your heart has not blessed me because I warmed it with the wool of my sheep,
  • 21. if I raised my hand against the orphan because I had influence in court,
  • 22. may my arm fall from my shoulder and be broken at the joint.
  • 23. For I was afraid that God would destroy me, and I would not be capable of his splendor.
  • 24. “If I put my trust in gold and said to fine gold, 'You are my security,'
  • 25. if I was glad that I had many riches, because my hand acquired much,
  • 26. if I contemplated the sun when it shone and the moon walking majestically,
  • 27. and if my heart was seduced in secret and I kissed the hand to worship them,
  • 28. that would also be a sin worthy of condemnation, as I would have been unfaithful to the most high God.
  • 29. “If my enemy's misfortune makes me happy, or if I rejoice when he is struck,
  • 30. I, who never let my mouth sin by calling down curses on your life,
  • 31. If the men of my tent did not say, 'Who did not receive Job's flesh?'
  • 32. Since no foreigner has stayed outside the night, I have always opened my door to travelers,
  • 33if I hid my mistakes as others do, hiding my guilt in my chest,
  • 34. for fear of the crowd or the contempt of families, keeping silent and not leaving the house…
  • 35. (“Ah, I wish someone would listen to me! Here is my defense, sign it! May the Almighty answer me! May my adversary write my accusation!
  • 36. I would carry your document over my shoulder and wear it as a crown.
  • 37. I would tell you all my steps; I would approach him like a prince.)
  • 38. “If my land complains about me and all its furrows weep,
  • 39. if I ate its fruit without paying, or if I caused distress to its owners,
  • 40. may thorns grow in place of wheat and weeds in place of barley.” Job's words end here.

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