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Job, Chapter 20:


Verses from Job, Chapter 20 of the book of Job in the Bible.

Job - Old Testament
Job – Old Testament


  • 1. Then Zophar of Naamath answered:
  • 2. “My thoughts are agitated and compelled me to respond, for I am deeply troubled.
  • 3. I have heard a rebuke that shames me, and my understanding leads me to argue.
  • 4. “Surely you know that it has been this way forever, from ancient times; since man was placed on earth,
  • 5. the laughter of the wicked is brief, and the joy of the wicked lasts but an instant.
  • 6. Though his pride reaches the heavens and his head touches the clouds,
  • 7. he will perish forever, like his own excrement; those who saw him will ask, 'Where did he go?'
  • 8. He will disappear like a dream, he will never be found again, he will fade away like a night vision.
  • 9. The eye that saw him will see him no more, and his place will not recognize him.
  • 10. Your children will have to return what they took from the poor; he himself will have to return his wealth with his own hands.
  • 11. The youthful vigor that fills his bones will rest with him in the dust.
  • 12. “Though evil is sweet in his mouth and he hides it under his tongue,
  • 13. yet the food will become bitter in your stomach; it will be like snake poison inside him.
  • 14. He will vomit out the wealth he swallowed; God will expel her from her womb.
  • 15. He will suck snake venom; the tongue of a viper will kill him.
  • 16. He will not enjoy the contemplation of rivers, of brooks of honey and cream.
  • 17. You will have to return what you have earned with so much effort, without enjoying it; will not enjoy the profits from their business.
  • 18. For he oppressed the poor, he left them destitute; he took over houses he didn't build.
  • 19″Indeed, his greed will not leave him alone, and his wealth will not last.
  • 20. There will be nothing left for him to devour; your prosperity will not be sustained.
  • 21. In the midst of your abundance, distress will overtake you; calamity will be ready for him.
  • 22. As he eats, affliction will overwhelm him; the fullness of his troubles will fall upon him.
  • 23. When he is satisfied, God will pour out the fierceness of his wrath upon him, burning flames will punish him.
  • 24. If he escapes from the iron weapon, a bronze arrow will pierce his body.
  • 25. He will pluck it from his back, the shining tip will come out of his liver. Great terror will overwhelm him;
  • 26. dark darkness will await him, an unfed fire will consume him, devouring what remains in his tent.
  • 27. The heavens will reveal their wickedness; the earth will rise up against him.
  • 28. The waters will destroy your house, an overwhelming flood in the day of God's wrath.
  • 29. This is the destiny that God has in store for the wicked, the inheritance that God has appointed for them.”

Online Bible

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