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Job, Chapter 19:


Verses from Job, Chapter 19 of the book of Job in the Bible.

Job - Old Testament
Job – Old Testament


  • 1. Then Job replied:
  • 2. “How long will you continue to afflict me and crush me with your words?
  • 3. They have already reproached me ten times; Don't be ashamed of hurting me!
  • 4. If I really made a mistake, that concerns only me.
  • 5. If you intend to aggrandize yourselves at my expense and use my humiliation against me,
  • 6. know that it was God who afflicted me and wrapped me in his net.
  • 7. “If I cry out, 'Injustice!', I receive no answer; If I scream for help, there is no justice.
  • 8. He has blocked my way, and I cannot pass; covered my paths with darkness.
  • 9. He stripped me of my honor and took the crown from my head.
  • 10. He destroys me from every side, until I go away; It rips out my hope like a tree.
  • 11. His anger burns against me; he sees me as an enemy.
  • 12. His armies advance mightily; surround me and camp around my tent.
  • 13. “He took my brothers away from me; even my acquaintances turned away from me.
  • 14. My relatives abandoned me and my friends forgot me.
  • 15. My guests and my servants consider me strange; I am a foreigner in your eyes.
  • 16. I call my servant, but he does not answer me; Even though I beg him, he doesn't pay me any attention.
  • 17. My wife hates my breath; my own brothers turned against me.
  • 18. Even children make fun of me; They despise me when I appear.
  • 19. All my intimate friends abhor me; those I love have become my adversaries.
  • 20. I am reduced to skin and bones; I escape with just the skin of my teeth.
  • 21. “Have compassion on me, friends! Have compassion! For the hand of God has wounded me.
  • 22. Why do they persecute me as God does? Will they never be satisfied until they have had their fill of my flesh?
  • 23. “If only my words were written! If only they were recorded in a book,
  • 24. carved with iron and lead, or inscribed forever in the rock!
  • 25. I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand on the earth.
  • 26. And after my skin is destroyed, I will still see God in my body.
  • 27. I will see it myself, with my own eyes, I and no other. I long in my chest for that day!
  • 28. “If you say, 'Let's chase him! The root of the problem is in him',
  • 29. fear the sword, for by the sword punishment will come, and you will know that there is judgment.”

Online Bible

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