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Job, Chapter 16:


Verses from Job, Chapter 16 of the book of Job in the Bible.

Job - Old Testament
Job – Old Testament


  • 1. Then Job replied:
  • 2. “I have heard many such words, and you are all ineffective comforters!
  • 3. Do these empty speeches have no end? Why do they continue to argue?
  • 4. If I were in your place, I could speak like you; I would condemn you with beautiful words and shake my head against you.
  • 5. But I would rather strengthen them with my mouth; my words would bring relief to your hearts.
  • 6″If I speak, my pain will not lessen; If I keep quiet, it won't disappear.
  • 7. Indeed, God has exhausted me completely; It destroyed my entire family.
  • 8. He has left me weak, and this is a witness against me; my thinness stands up and accuses me.
  • 9. God, in his fury, attacks me and tears me to pieces; Grind your teeth against me, my adversaries look at me with cruel eyes.
  • 10. They open their mouths to offend me; They attack me with mockery, they all unite against me.
  • 11. God delivers me into the hands of the wicked and hands me over to the wicked.
  • 12. I was calm, but he shook me; grabbing me by the neck, he crushed me. Made me your target.
  • 13. Your arrows surround me; he pierces my kidneys mercilessly and spills my bile onto the floor.
  • 14. Attack me repeatedly, like a furious warrior.
  • 15. “I put on mourning as a garment, and my forehead sank into the dust.
  • 16. My face is red from crying, and dark shadows cover my eyes.
  • 17. Even though there is no violence in my hands and my prayer is sincere.
  • 18. “O earth, do not cover my blood! There is no resting place for my cry!
  • 19. Right now my witness is in heaven, and my defender is on high.
  • 20. My friend is the one who intercedes for me, while tears fall from my eyes before God.
  • 21. He pleads the cause of man before God, as one pleads the cause of a friend.
  • 22. “For soon I will go on a journey of no return, just a few more years, and I will never return.”

Online Bible

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