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Job, Chapter 12:


Verses from Job, Chapter 12 of the book of Job in the Bible.

Job - Old Testament
Job – Old Testament


  • 1. Then Job replied:
  • 2. “Surely you are the people, and wisdom will die with you!
  • 3. But I also have understanding, I am not inferior to you. Who doesn't know these things?
  • 4. “I have become a target of ridicule for my friends, one who calls on God and receives an answer. The fair and righteous becomes a laughing stock!
  • 5. He who is calm despises misfortune, for it is destined for wobbly feet.
  • 6. The tents of thieves prosper, and those who anger God are safe, those who carry gods in their hands.
  • 7. “Ask the animals, and they will teach you; to the birds of the air, and they will tell you.
  • 8. Speak to the earth, and it will instruct you; the fish of the sea will speak to you.
  • 9. Who among them all does not know that the hand of the Lord did this?
  • 10. In his hands is the life of all living beings and the breath of all humans.
  • 11. Doesn't the ear distinguish words like taste distinguishes food?
  • 12. Is wisdom with the elderly? Does understanding come with age?
  • 13. “With God is wisdom and power; to him belong counsel and understanding.
  • 14. What he destroys cannot be rebuilt; whoever he imprisons cannot be freed.
  • 15. If he holds back the waters, there is drought; if he releases them, they devastate the land.
  • 16. To him belong power and wisdom; both the deceived and the deceiver are his.
  • 17. He takes counselors stripped and makes judges fools.
  • 18. He loosens the straps of kings and binds them with ropes.
  • 19. He strips the priests and overthrows the powerful.
  • 20. He frustrates trusted counselors and deprives elders of understanding.
  • 21. He pours contempt on the noble and weakens the strength of the powerful.
  • 22. He reveals deep things and brings darkness to light.
  • 23. He exalts the nations and destroys them; expands nations and disperses them.
  • 24. He takes away the understanding of the leaders of the earth and makes them wander in a pathless desert.
  • 25. They grope in darkness without light; he makes them stagger like drunks.

Online Bible

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