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Job, Chapter 14:


Verses from Job, Chapter 14 of the book of Job in the Bible.

Job - Old Testament
Job – Old Testament
  • 1. “A man born of a woman has a brief life full of afflictions.
  • 2. He arises like a flower and withers; disappears like a fleeting shadow, without lasting long.
  • 3. Why do you fix your eyes on such a man? Why do you bring him before you to judge him?
  • 4. Who can bring purity from what is impure? Nobody!
  • 5. Man's days are numbered; You determined the number of his months and established limits for him that he cannot exceed.
  • 6. Turn your gaze away from them and leave them until they serve their time as hired workers.
  • 7. “For the tree, there is hope: even if it is cut down, it grows again and its shoots continue to grow.
  • 8. Though its roots grow old in the ground and its trunk dies in the earth,
  • 9. when it feels water, it will sprout and launch new branches as if it were a new plant.
  • 10. But the man dies and goes away; expires, and his body perishes.
  • 11. Just as sea water evaporates and rivers dry up and disappear,
  • 12. the man lies down and does not get up; As long as the heavens exist, he will not awaken from sleep.
  • 13. “Oh, that you would hide me in the grave and hide me until your anger passes! If you would set a deadline for me and then remember me!
  • 14. When a man dies, can he live again? I will wait through all the days of my hard work until I am released.
  • 15. You will call, and I will answer you; you will miss the being you created.
  • 16. Indeed, you will count all my steps, but you will not consider my sin.
  • 17. You will shut up my errors in a bag and hide my iniquity.
  • 18. “But as a mountain wears away and a rock is removed from its place,
  • 19. in the same way that water wears away the stones and the floods wash away the earth, in the same way you destroy the hope of man.
  • 20. You subdue him permanently, and he goes away; you change his face and fire him.
  • 21. His sons may achieve honor, but he will not know it; if they are humiliated, he will not see it.
  • 22. He only feels the pain of his own body; regrets only for himself.”

Online Bible

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