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Exodus, Chapter 12:


Verses from Exodus, Chapter 12 of the book of Exodus of the Bible.

Exodus - Old Testament
Exodus – Old Testament


  • 1. The Lord said to Moses and Aaron in Egypt:
  • 2. “This month will be the first month of the year for you.
  • 3. Speak to the entire community of Israel, saying that on the tenth day of this month, everyone will look for a lamb or a goat for their family, an animal for each house.
  • 4. If the family is too small for a whole animal, they should share the animal with the closest neighbor, taking into account the number of people and what each person can eat.
  • 5. The chosen animal will be a one-year-old male, without defects, and may be a lamb or kid.
  • 6. You will keep it until the fourteenth day of the month, and the entire community of Israel will kill it at nightfall.
  • 7. They will smear the blood on the doorposts and on the sides of the door of each house where they eat the animal.
  • 8. That same night they will eat the meat roasted over the fire; with unleavened bread and bitter herbs they shall eat it.
  • 9. Do not eat meat raw or boiled in water, but roasted over a fire, including the head, legs and entrails.
  • 10. Leave nothing until morning; If there is anything left, burn it.
  • 11. This is how you will eat it: with your cloak fastened, your sandals on your feet, and your staff in your hand. Eat quickly, for it is the Lord's Passover.
  • 12. “That night I will pass through the land of Egypt and kill all the firstborn, both man and beast, and I will execute judgment on all the gods of Egypt. I am the Lord!
  • 13. The blood will serve as a sign in the houses where you are; When I see the blood, I will pass on. The destructive plague will not reach them when I strike Egypt.
  • 14. “This day will be a memorial that you and all your descendants will celebrate as a feast to the Lord. Celebrate it as a perpetual decree.
  • 15. For seven days they will eat unleavened bread. On the first day, remove the yeast from your homes, because anyone who eats anything leavened from the first to the seventh day will be eliminated from Israel.
  • 16. On the first day celebrate a holy convocation, and on the seventh day also celebrate a holy convocation. On those days no one will do any work; just prepare what everyone is going to eat.
  • 17. “Celebrate the Feast of Unleavened Bread, because on that very day I brought your armies out of Egypt. Celebrate this day as a perpetual decree for you and your descendants.
  • 18. For seven days eat unleavened bread. On the first day, remove the yeast from your homes. Anyone who eats anything fermented from the first to the seventh day will be eliminated from Israel.
  • 19. During these seven days there must be no yeast in your homes. Whoever eats anything fermented will be eliminated from the community of Israel, whether he is a foreigner or a native of the land.
  • 20. “Don’t eat anything fermented. Wherever you live, eat unleavened bread.”
  • 21. Then Moses called together all the leaders of Israel and said to them, “Choose a lamb or a kid for your families and kill it as a Passover sacrifice.
  • 22. Take a bunch of hyssop, dip it in the blood in the basin, and rub some of the blood on the door frames and sides. Neither of you will be able to leave the house until morning.
  • 23. When the Lord passes through the land to smite the Egyptians, he will see the blood on the doorposts and on the sides of the doors, and he will pass on. The destructive plague will not reach them when it smites Egypt.
  • 24. “Obey these instructions as a perpetual decree for you and your descendants.
  • 25. When you enter the land that the Lord will give you as he promised, observe this ceremony.
  • 26. And when your children ask you, 'What ceremony is this?'
  • 27. answer: 'It is the sacrifice of the Passover to the Lord, who passed over the homes of the Israelites in Egypt and spared our homes when he struck down the Egyptians' “. Then the people bowed down and worshipped.

The exodus

  • 28. The Israelites did as the Lord commanded Moses and Aaron.
  • 29. At midnight the Lord smote all the firstborn of Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharaoh who sat on the throne, to the firstborn of the prisoner who was in the dungeon, and all the firstborn of the animals.
  • 30. Pharaoh arose during the night, he and all his counselors and all the Egyptians, and there was a great cry in Egypt, for there was no house in which there was not a dead person.
  • 31. That same night Pharaoh called Moses and Aaron and said to them, “Leave among my people, both you and the Israelites! Go, worship the Lord, as you asked!
  • 32. Take your sheep and your oxen as you asked, and go! And bless me too.”
  • 33. The Egyptians insisted that they leave quickly, for they said: “We are all dead!”
  • 34. So the people took their dough before it was fermented, tying the pots with their kneading clothes over their shoulders.
  • 35. The Israelites did as Moses had commanded them and asked the Egyptians for silver and gold objects and clothing.
  • 36. The Lord made the Egyptians kind to the people, so that they gave them whatever they asked for. So they stripped the Egyptians.
  • 37. The Israelites left Rameses for Succoth. There were around six hundred thousand men on foot, not counting children.
  • 38. With them were also large numbers of other people, in addition to flocks and herds of animals.
  • 39. With the dough they took from Egypt, they made unleavened bread. The dough had not been fermented because they were expelled from Egypt and did not have time to prepare food for the journey.
  • 40. The time that the Israelites lived in Egypt was four hundred and thirty years.
  • 41. At the end of four hundred and thirty years, all the divisions of the Lord's army left Egypt.

The institution of Easter

  • 42. It is a night of vigil in honor of the Lord, because that night the Lord brought them out of Egypt. This night is a night of vigil in honor of the Lord, for all Israelites, from generation to generation.
  • 43. The Lord said to Moses and Aaron, “These are the laws of the Passover: No foreigner shall eat it.
  • 44. But any slave you have purchased may eat her after you have circumcised her.
  • 45. The foreigner and the hired man may not eat from it.
  • 46. It will be eaten only inside a house; no piece of meat may be taken out of the house, and you shall not break any bones.
  • 47. The entire community of Israel will celebrate Passover.
  • 48. “If any foreigner living with you wants to celebrate the Passover to the Lord, all his males must be circumcised; then he may partake of it like any native-born person. But no uncircumcised person may eat of it.
  • 49. The same law will apply to both the native of the land and the foreigner living with you.”
  • 50. All the Israelites did as the Lord commanded Moses and Aaron.
  • 51. And it was on that same day that the Lord brought the Israelites out of Egypt, by their divisions.

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