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Ecclesiastes, Chapter 10:


Verses from Ecclesiastes, Chapter 10 of the book of Ecclesiastes of the Bible.

Ecclesiastes - Old Testament.
Ecclesiastes – Old Testament.
  • 1. Just as the inert butterfly contaminates the perfume and corrupts the aroma, the lack of sense outweighs wisdom and honor.
  • 2. The heart of a wise man turns to good, but the heart of a fool turns to evil.
  • 3. Even walking along the path, the fool reveals his foolishness, demonstrating to everyone his lack of judgment.
  • 4. If the wrath of a ruler rises against you, do not abandon your post, as calm prevents great mistakes.
  • 5. There is another evil that I have perceived under the sun, a mistake committed by those who govern:
  • 6. The foolish are promoted to high positions, while the rich are demoted to lower positions.
  • 7. I have seen slaves riding horses, and princes walking like slaves.
  • 8. He who digs a well may fall into it; he who breaks down a wall will be bitten by a serpent.
  • 9. He who removes stones will hurt himself with them; he who splits wood is in danger.
  • 10. If the ax is blunt and the blade has not been sharpened, you need to redouble your strength; Acting wisely brings a guarantee of success.
  • 11. If the snake bites before being enchanted, what will be the use of the charmer?
  • 12. The words of a wise man bring benefit, but the lips of a fool destroy him.
  • 13. At first his words are mere nonsense, but in the end they turn out to be wicked follies.
  • 14. Although a fool talks without ceasing, no one knows the future; Who can tell someone else what will happen to them next?
  • 15. A fool's work leaves him so exhausted that he can't even find his way home.
  • 16. Unhappy is the land whose king is too young and whose leaders indulge in banquets early in the morning.
  • 17. Happy is the land whose king is of noble origin and whose leaders eat at the appropriate time to regain strength, and not to get drunk.
  • 18. Because of laziness, the roof leans; Because of lazy hands, the house leaks.
  • 19. The feast is prepared for delight, and wine brings joy to life, but all this has its price.
  • 20. Do not even in your thoughts insult the king, nor in your room curse the rich man, for a bird of the sky can carry your words, and winged beings can spread what you say.

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