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2 Samuel, Chapter 13:


Verses from 2 Samuel, Chapter 13 of the book of 1 Samuel in the Bible.

2 Samuel - Old Testament
2 Samuel – Old Testament

Amnon and Tamar

  • 1. After some time, Amnon, David's son, fell in love with Tamar, his half-sister, who was very beautiful. Tamar was the sister of Absalom, another son of David.
  • 2. Amnon was so distressed that he fell ill because of Tamar, as she was a virgin and it seemed impossible to win her over.
  • 3. Amnon had a cunning friend named Jonadab, son of Shimea, David's brother.
  • 4. One day Jonadab asked Amnon, “Son of the king, why are you so downcast every day? Tell me what’s going on.” Then Amnon said, “I am in love with Tamar, the sister of Absalom my brother.”
  • 5. Jonadab suggested, “Pretend to be sick, and when your father comes to visit you, ask Tamar to come and prepare food for you. Ask her to prepare it in your presence so you can see it.”
  • 6. Amnon followed Jonadab's advice and lay down, pretending to be sick. When the king came to visit, Amnon said, “Please allow my sister Tamar to come prepare two cakes right here and serve them to me.”
  • 7. David sent a message to Tamar in the palace, saying, “Go to Amnon’s house and prepare something for him to eat.” Tamar went to the house of Amnon, who was lying down.
  • 8. She kneaded the dough, made the cakes in Amnon's presence, and baked them.
  • 9. Then he took the pan and the cakes and served them to Amnon, but he refused to eat.
  • 10. Amnon said to Tamar, “Bring the cakes here to my room, and I will eat them.” Then Tamar took the cakes she had made to Amnon's room.
  • 11. When she came to serve him, he grabbed her and said, “Lie with me, my sister.”
  • 12. But Tamar replied, “No, my brother! Don't force me to do something so terrible in Israel. This is absurd!
  • 13. What would happen to me? How would I get rid of this shame? And what would become of you? You would be despised in Israel. Speak to the king, and he will allow us to marry.”
  • 14. But Amnon would not listen. He was stronger than her and raped her.
  • 15. Soon after, Amnon felt great contempt for Tamar, even more intense than the passion he had felt for her. And he said, “Get up and go away!”
  • 16. But Tamar answered, “No, my brother. It would be worse for me to be expelled than to bear the harm you did to me.” He, however, did not hear her.
  • 17. Then Amnon called his servant and ordered: “Drive out this woman and lock the door.”
  • 18. The servant kicked her out and locked the door. Tamar wore a long tunic, as the king's virgin daughters had dressed since their youth.
  • 19. Tamar threw ashes on her head, tore the long robe she was wearing, and went out, with her hands on her head, weeping bitterly.
  • 20. His brother Absalom asked, “Your sister Tamar, what happened? Calm down, my sister. He's your brother. Don’t let it get you down.” Tamar stayed in the house of Absalom, her brother, deeply sad.
  • 21. When King David heard what had happened, he was furious.
  • 22. Absalom said nothing to Amnon, neither good nor bad, for he hated Amnon for having raped his sister Tamar.

Absalom kills Amnon

  • 23. Two years later Absalom had sheep shearers in Baal-Hazor, near the border of Ephraim. Absalom invited all the king's sons to a party.
  • 24. He went to the king and said, “My lord, I am shearing my sheep. I would like the king and his servants to go with me.”
  • 25. The king replied, “No, my son, we will not all go, lest we be a burden to you.” Although Absalom insisted, the king did not agree to go, but blessed him.
  • 26. Then Absalom said, “Then let my brother Amnon go with us.” The king asked, “Why would he go with you?”
  • 27. Absalom continued to insist, until the king allowed Amnon and all his other sons to go with Absalom.
  • 28. Absalom ordered his servants, “Watch when Amnon is drunk and I say to you, 'Kill Amnon!' Then you will kill him. Do not be afraid. I take full responsibility. Be brave and brave!”
  • 29. Absalom's servants killed Amnon according to his orders. After that, all the other sons of the king mounted their donkeys and fled.
  • 30. While they were still on their way, David received news that Absalom had killed all the king's sons, and none of them had escaped.
  • 31. The king got up, tore his clothes and threw himself on the ground. All his servants also tore their clothes.
  • 32. But Jonadab son of Shimea, David's brother, said, “My lord, do not think that all the king's sons have been killed. Only Amnon died. Absalom had decided to do this since the day Amnon raped his sister Tamar.
  • 33. Do not believe, my lord and king, that all the children were killed. Only Amnon died.”
  • 34. Meanwhile, Absalom fled. Then the sentry saw a large group of people coming along the road from Horonaim, along the side of the hill. He reported to the king, “I see a group of people coming along the road from Horonaim, along the side of the hill.”
  • 35. Jonadab said to the king, “These are the king’s sons! Just as your servant said, it happened.”
  • 36. As soon as Jonadab finished speaking, the king's sons arrived, weeping loudly. The king and all his servants wept bitterly.
  • 37. Absalom fled to Geshur and stayed there for three years.
  • 38. King David mourned Amnon's death every day.
  • 39. After David's anger against Absalom was calmed, for he had consoled himself with the death of Amnon.

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