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1 Chronicles, Chapter 4:


Verses from 1 Chronicles, Chapter 4 of the book of 1 Samuel in the Bible.

1 Chronicles - Old Testament
1 Chronicles – Old Testament

Other descendants of Judah

  • 1. These were also the descendants of Judah: Perez, Hezron, Carmi, Hur and Shobal.
  • 2. Reaiah the son of Shobal begot Jahath, and Jahath begot Aumai and Laad. These were the clans of the Zoratites.
  • 3. These were the sons of Ethan: Jezreel, Ishma and Idbás. Their sister was called Hazelelponi.
  • 4. And also Penuel the father of Gedor, and Ezer the father of Husah. These were the descendants of Hur, the eldest son of Ephrath and father of Bethlehem.
  • 5. Asur, founder of Tekoa, had two wives: Helá and Naará.
  • 6. Naará gave him Auzhan, Hepher, Temeni and Haastari. These were the sons of Naará.
  • 7. These were the sons of Helah: Zereth, Zoar, Ethnan
  • 8. and Coz, who fathered Anub and Zobeba and the clans of Aarel son of Harun.
  • 9. Jabez was the most respected man in his family. His mother named him Jabez, saying, “With many pains I gave birth to him.”
  • 10. Jabez prayed to the God of Israel: “Ah, bless me and increase my lands! May your hand be with me, keeping me from harm and freeing me from pain.” And God answered his request.
  • 11. Chelub, Shuah's brother, begat Meir, Esthon's father.
  • 12. Esthom begat Beth-Rapha, Paseia and Teina, founder of Ir-Nahash. These lived in Recah.
  • 13. These were the sons of Kenaz: Othniel and Seraiah. These were the sons of Othniel: Hatath and Meonotai.
  • 14. Meonotai begat Ofra. Seraiah fathered Joab, founder of Ge-Harasim, which received its name because its inhabitants were artisans.
  • 15. These were the sons of Caleb the son of Jephunneh: Iru, Elah and Naan. Elah's son was Kenaz.
  • 16. These were the sons of Jealelel: Ziph, Zipha, Tiria and Asareel.
  • 17. These were the sons of Ezra: Jether, Mered, Epher and Jalon. Mered married Bithiah, daughter of Pharaoh, and had the following children: Miriam, Shamai and Isbá, founder of Estemoa.
  • 18. His Jewish wife gave birth to Jered, founder of Gedor, Heber, founder of Soco, and Jecutiel, founder of Zanoa.
  • 19. These were the sons of the wife of Hodiah, Nahan's sister: the father of Keilah the Garmite, and Eshthemoa the Maachathite.
  • 20. These were Simon's sons: Amnon, Rina, Ben-hanan and Tilom. These were the sons of Ishi: Zoeth and Ben-Zoeth.
  • 21. These were the sons of Shelah the son of Judah: Er the father of Lecah; Lada, Maressa's father. Shelah was also an ancestor of the clans of those who worked with flax in Beth-Asbeia,
  • 22. of Jokim, of the men of Cozeba, of Joash, and of Saraph, who ruled in Moab and in Jashubi-lehem. (These records are from ancient times.)
  • 23. They were potters and lived in Netaim and Gedera, near the king, for whom they worked.

The descendants of Simeon

  • 24. These were the sons of Simeon: Nemuel, Jamin, Jarib, Zerah and Saul.
  • 25. Saul's son was Shallum, the father of Mibsam, who was the father of Misma.
  • 26. These were the descendants of Misma: his son Hamuel, father of Zaccur, who was the father of Shimei.
  • 27. Shimei had sixteen sons and six daughters, but his brothers did not have many children; therefore all their clans are not equal in number to the tribe of Judah.
  • 28. They lived in Beersheba, Moladah, Hazar-Sual,
  • 29. Bila, Azém, Tolade,
  • 30. Bethuel, Hormah, Ziklag,
  • 31. Beth-Marcaboth, Hazar-Susim, Beth-Biri and Saharaim. These were their cities until the reign of David.
  • 32. They also had the five cities of Ethan, Aim, Rimmon, Tochem and Ashan,
  • 33. with all the villages around them as far as Baalat. They lived in these cities and maintained a genealogical record.
  • 34. Meshobab, Janlek, Josah – son of Amaziah -,
  • 35. Joel, Jehu – son of Josibiah, grandson of Seraiah and great-grandson of Asiel -;
  • 36. also Elioenai, Jaacobah, Jehoaiah, Asaiah, Adiel, Jesimiel, Benaiah
  • 37. and Ziza – son of Shiphi, grandson of Alom, great-grandson of Jedaiah, great-grandson of Shimri and great-great-grandson of Shemaiah.
  • 38. This is the list of your clan leaders. Their families grew a lot
  • 39. and so they went to the outskirts of Gedor, east of the valley, in search of pasture for their flocks.
  • 40. They found many good pastures, in a vast, peaceful and tranquil region, where some Hamites had previously lived.
  • 41. During the reign of Hezekiah, king of Judah, these men enlisted here arrived and attacked the Hamites and Meunites in the region and completely destroyed them, as can be seen to this day. Then they occupied the place of those people, as there was pasture for their flocks.
  • 42. And five hundred of these Simeonites, led by Pelathiah, Neariah, Rephaiah, and Uzziel, the sons of Ishi, invaded the hills of Seir.
  • 43. They killed the rest of the Amalekites who had escaped, and they live there to this day.

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