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The Riddle of Golgotha: Who was crucified alongside Jesus?


Who was crucified next to Jesus? – On the horizon of Golgotha, the outline of three crosses dominated the scene.

The world knows well the man in the center, Jesus of Nazareth, but the men on the adjacent crosses are often relegated to the background.

Yet their stories, intertwined with that of Jesus that day, carry a weight of meaning.

Let's delve deeply into this plot and reveal the identities and stories of the men who were crucified alongside the Savior.


Mount Calvary: Three Crosses, Three Fates

Who was crucified next to Jesus? - Seeds of Faith
Who was crucified next to Jesus? – Seeds of Faith

The mountain, also known as Golgotha, was the scene of many executions. It was a place where criminals were displayed in suffering as a visceral warning against wrongdoing.

Jesus, considered blasphemous and threatening to the powers that be, was placed at the center. But the other two, described generically as “thieves”, also had their personal narratives.

Criminals or Victims of Circumstances?

In the chronicles of the time, the term “thief” could cover a variety of crimes, from robbery to insurrection.

These two men could have been simple thieves, or perhaps rebels who defied the Roman occupation.

Their lives, which led them to face the agony of crucifixion, were certainly complex and marked by questionable choices.

Redemption in the Shadow of the Messiah

As the hours passed, one of those crucified chose to mock Jesus: “If you are the Christ, save yourself and us!”

This is the cry of despair and disdain that resonated like the anguish of someone who sees impending death without hope.

On the other hand, the other criminal, in an act of clarity and humility, reprimanded the first. He accepted the justice of his punishment and acknowledged the divinity of Jesus, pleading with him: “Remember me when you enter your kingdom.”

Jesus, in His infinite mercy, replied: “Today you will be with me in Paradise.”

This exchange is powerful. He demonstrates the ability of faith and repentance to change an eternal destiny, even in the last moments of earthly life.

Reflections on the Legacy of the Men Next Door

Why did fate want these two men, with such different destinies, to be crucified alongside Jesus?

Perhaps to show the spectrum of human response to divinity: rejection and mockery at one extreme, acceptance and redemptive faith at the other.

The journey of these men also serves as a reminder that, despite our past mistakes, there is always a chance for redemption.

Jesus' mercy knows no bounds, and this was exemplified on that hill more than two thousand years ago.

Who Really Sentenced Jesus to Death?

The question "Who killed Jesus?” is deeply intertwined with “Who condemned Jesus Christ to death?

The Gospels tell us that Jesus was initially tried and condemned by the Sanhedrin, a council of Jewish religious leaders, on allegations of blasphemy.

However, the execution needed Roman approval. Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor, hesitated, but gave in to crowd pressure, ordering the crucifixion.

Thus, while the Sanhedrin condemned, it was the Roman authority that executed.

Both parties played a role, but it is essential to approach this issue carefully and avoid blaming a specific group, recognizing the complexity of the event in history.


While Golgotha's central cross is an unmistakable symbol of sacrifice and resurrection, the adjacent crosses tell stories of human choice in the face of divinity.

They remind us that, until their last breath, grace is available to all who genuinely seek it.

FAQ – (Frequently Asked Questions)

Who were the men crucified next to Jesus?

They were two criminals, often referred to in the gospels as “thieves” or “evildoers”. Their names are not specifically mentioned in the Bible.

What did the criminals say to Jesus on the cross?

One of the criminals mocked Jesus, suggesting that if He were truly the Christ, He should save Himself and them.

The other criminal defended Jesus, acknowledging His innocence, and asked Jesus to remember him when He entered His kingdom.

Did Jesus respond to any of the criminals?

Yes, Jesus responded to the criminal who asked to be remembered, saying: “Truly I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise.”

Why were these two criminals crucified alongside Jesus?

They were crucified alongside Jesus as a form of Roman punishment for their crimes.

Crucifixion was a common form of execution for criminals during Roman rule.

Is there any symbolism in the presence of these two criminals next to Jesus?

Many theologians and biblical scholars see the presence of the two criminals as a portrait of the duality of the human reaction to Jesus: rejection and mockery on the one hand and recognition and redemptive faith on the other.

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