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What was the company of Jesus? A trip back to the 1500s!


What was the company of Jesus? The Society of Jesus, famous as the Jesuit Order, played a very important role in the history of Catholicism and education.

What was the company of Jesus? - Seeds of Faith
What was the company of Jesus? – Seeds of Faith

Founded by Ignatius of Loyola in 1534, this religious order aimed to spread the teachings of Catholicism throughout the world.

Over the centuries, Jesuits have distinguished themselves as missionaries, educators and intellectuals, playing a significant role in the Counter-Reformation and the expansion of the influence of the Catholic Church.

Throughout this text, we will explore in detail the role played by the Society of Jesus, covering its history, missionary activities and impact on education. Discover with us what the Society of Jesus was!


What was the company of Jesus?

After all, what was the company of Jesus? The Society of Jesus, famous for being the Jesuit Order, was an influential religious order founded by Ignatius of Loyola in 1534.

Its main objective was the spread of Catholicism and the promotion of education.

The Jesuits played a fundamental role in the history of the Catholic Church, especially during the Counter-Reformation, a movement to revitalize and reform the church in response to the criticisms and challenges brought by the Protestant Reformation.

Members of the Society of Jesus were known for their commitment to obedience to the pope and to education. They traveled all over the world as missionaries, seeking to convert people to Catholicism.

Furthermore, they founded schools, colleges and universities, establishing an innovative and high-quality educational model.

These Jesuit institutions became renowned for their emphasis on academic rigor, humanistic training, and intellectual development.

The Society of Jesus exerted a great influence in different spheres of society.

Its members played important roles as advisors to kings and political leaders, scientists, theologians and philosophers.

The Jesuits' approach combined religious devotion with the search for knowledge and practical actions in the world.

Over the centuries, the Society of Jesus has had a significant impact on the spread of Catholicism, education, culture and world history.

Did you understand better what the Society of Jesus was?

What was the counter-reformation?

Do you already know what the Society of Jesus was? The Counter-Reformation was a religious and political movement that occurred in the 16th century, as a response to the Protestant Reformation led by Martin Luther.

This movement was promoted by the Catholic Church, aiming to revitalize the Catholic faith and combat reformist ideas that questioned papal authority and the dogmas of the Church.

The Counter-Reformation's main objective was to reaffirm the authority of the Catholic Church and restore its influence lost to Protestantism.

A series of measures were adopted to achieve these objectives. One of them was the creation of the Index of Prohibited Books, which identified and censored works considered heretical or contrary to Catholic doctrine.

In addition, internal reforms were promoted in the Church, such as improving the training of priests, combating corruption and emphasizing religious education.

Another central aspect of the Counter-Reformation was the organization of the Council of Trent, an important ecumenical council that lasted from 1545 to 1563.

During the Council, doctrinal, liturgical and disciplinary issues were discussed and defined, with the aim of strengthening the Catholic faith and correcting abuses and inappropriate practices.

The Counter-Reformation had a significant impact on the history of the Catholic Church and Europe. He contributed to the restoration of papal authority, the reaffirmation of Catholic dogmas and the reconquest of believers lost to Protestantism.

How did the Jesuit missions in Brazil occur?

The Jesuit missions in Brazil were an important chapter in the country's colonial history.

The Society of Jesus, through its missionaries, played a fundamental role in the catechization of indigenous peoples and the expansion of Portuguese rule.

They were religious establishments that combined evangelization with the social and economic organization of indigenous communities.

The Jesuits sought to convert the natives to Catholicism while teaching them the skills necessary for a peaceful, agricultural life.

The main Jesuit tasks in Brazil were founded in the regions of the current Northeast and South of the country, especially in the Amazon region and the central plateau.

These missions were known as “villages” and were administered by Jesuit priests, who lived and worked alongside the indigenous people.

These missions brought significant benefits to indigenous communities, offering protection from slavery, promoting education, teaching agricultural techniques, and providing medical care.

How did the expulsion of the company of Jesus from Brazil happen?

The expulsion of the Society of Jesus from Brazil occurred in the mid-18th century, as a result of a series of conflicts between the Portuguese Crown and the religious order. Several reasons contributed to this drastic decision.

Firstly, there was a growing rivalry between the Portuguese Crown and the Society of Jesus regarding control over the colony's lands and resources.

The Jesuits owned large tracts of land, administered indigenous villages and maintained considerable economic and political power, which generated discontent among the colonial elite and Portuguese authorities.

Furthermore, there were accusations of the Jesuits' involvement in illegal commercial activities, as well as interference in the colony's political and administrative decisions.

Tensions increased further when the Portuguese Crown decided to impose stricter control measures on the religious and political activities of the Jesuits.

In 1759, the Marquis of Pombal, minister of King Dom José I, issued a decree that resulted in the expulsion of the Society of Jesus not only from Brazil, but also from Portugal and its other colonies.

The Jesuits were accused of conspiracy and their properties were confiscated by the Crown.

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FAQ – (Frequently Asked Questions)

What is the Society of Jesus?

The Society of Jesus, also known as the Jesuits, is a religious order of the Catholic Church.

It was founded by Saint Ignatius of Loyola and his companions in 1540, with the main objective of evangelizing and carrying out educational and missionary works.

“Who founded the Society of Jesus and when?”

The Society of Jesus was founded by Saint Ignatius of Loyola, a Spanish nobleman, and his companions in 1540.

“What is the role of the Jesuits in education?”

Jesuits play a significant role in education, having established schools, colleges and universities throughout the world.

They are known for their academic rigor and emphasis on the integral formation of the individual.

“What is the mission of the Society of Jesus?”

The mission of the Society of Jesus is to promote the glory of God and the good of humanity.

They do this through evangelism, charitable works, education, and social justice advocacy.

“What does the Jesuit motto 'Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam' mean?”

'Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam' is the motto of the Jesuits and is a Latin expression meaning 'For the greater glory of God'.

This reflects the orientation of all your works and actions towards the glory of God.

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