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What is the Longest Verse in the Bible? A Detailed Analysis


The Bible, as one of the most influential and widespread literary works of humanity, carries in its pages an impressive diversity of verses and passages.

What is the greatest verse in the bible? - Seeds of Faith
What is the greatest verse in the bible? – Seeds of Faith

Each book, chapter and verse has its importance, carrying unique messages and teachings.

However, a curiosity that often arises is: what is the longest verse in the Bible? In this article, we'll explore the answer to that question.

The Greatest Verse in the Bible

In terms of length, the longest verse in the Bible is in the Old Testament, most notably the book of Esther.


It is Esther 8:9, a verse consisting of 90 words in Portuguese (in the King James Version), making it the longest verse in the Bible.

The Contents of Esther 8:9

This verse is part of one of the pivotal moments in Esther's story.

It details the issuance of a new royal decree that granted Jews to arm and defend themselves against any enemy.

The verse is notable not only for its length but also for its content, highlighting justice and the right to self-defense.

Interpretation and Meaning

Although it is long, the meaning and importance of Esther 8:9 is much greater than its length.

It depicts God's sovereignty, Esther's bravery, and the fate of the Jewish people.

The verse highlights God's power to work through unfavorable circumstances and thus is a source of hope and inspiration for many.

Also, as you explore the Bible, it is interesting to note other verses that bring valuable teachings, such as The Good Samaritan Verse, which exemplifies love of neighbor and compassion.


As we explore the greatest verse in the Bible, it's crucial not just to stick to its length, but also to its content and meaning.

Esther 8:9, with its 90 words, is a testament to the complexity and depth of biblical teaching.

More than being the greatest verse in the Bible, Esther 8:9 is a reminder of God's unwavering love, the courage that can be found in faith, and God's promise of protection.

Therefore, regardless of the length of a verse, what matters is the magnitude of its message.

FAQ – (Frequently Asked Questions)

“What is the longest verse in the Bible?”

The longest verse in the Bible in terms of words is Esther 8:9.

This verse has 90 words in the Portuguese version.

“Why is Esther 8:9 the greatest verse in the Bible?”

Esther 8:9 is considered the greatest verse in the Bible because it contains the most words.

It depicts King Ahasuerus granting Esther and Mordecai the right to rewrite the laws of the Persians and Medes.

“Are there any other long verses in the Bible?”

Yes, there are many long verses in the Bible.

Although Esther 8:9 is the longest, there are other verses with a lot of words, such as Psalm 119, which is known to be the longest chapter in the Bible.

“Does verse length affect its importance?”

No, the length of a verse does not affect its importance.

Each verse, whether long or short, contributes to the overall message of the Bible.

“What does Esther 8:9 mean?”

Esther 8:9 is a crucial passage in the story of Esther.

It marks the point at which Queen Esther and Mordecai receive permission from King Ahasuerus to rewrite the laws of the Persians and Medes, an action that eventually saves the Jews from Haman's planned genocide.

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