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What is original sin? The mistake made by Adam and Eve!


What is original sin? The concept of original sin is one of the most fundamental doctrines in Christian theology, raising complex questions about human nature, guilt and redemption.

In this text, we will understand in detail what is original sin, its origins and implications, in addition to addressing frequently asked questions related to this topic.

What is original sin?

Original sin is a fundamental theological doctrine in several Christian traditions, including Catholicism, Protestantism, and Orthodoxy.

This doctrine refers to the state of sin into which all humanity is born, due to the initial disobedience of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, as described in the book of Genesis in the Bible.


The belief is that as a result of the sin of our earliest ancestors, every person is born with an inclination toward sin.

According to the biblical narrative, God created Adam and Eve and placed them in the Garden of Eden, giving them freedom to enjoy all the blessings of paradise, with the exception of eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

However, tempted by the serpent, Adam and Eve disobeyed God and ate the forbidden fruit. This act of disobedience broke his fellowship with God, resulting in sin entering the world.

Original sin is seen as a spiritual inheritance passed down from generation to generation. This means that all human beings, from birth, have a nature inclined towards evil.

This inclination does not imply that people are born guilty of the sins of Adam and Eve, but rather that they inherit a propensity to sin, which makes the choice between good and evil a constant struggle throughout life.

The doctrine of original sin has significant implications in Christian theology, influencing conceptions about human nature, the need for redemption and the salvific role of Jesus Christ.

For many believers, understanding original sin is essential to appreciating the importance of salvation and divine grace in human life.

Common questions

1. What is sin?

Sin, according to Christian tradition, refers to any action, thought or attitude that violates the will of God.

It is a moral transgression that distances individuals from the divine path, damaging the relationship between the Creator and His creatures. Sin can vary in severity, but all types of sin are seen as obstacles to a healthy relationship with God.

2. What was the sin of Adam and Eve?

The sin of Adam and Eve, as described in Bible in the book of Genesis, was disobeying God by eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

They were warned by God not to eat this fruit, but they gave in to the temptation of the serpent. This disobedience was the first human sin, leading to their expulsion from the Garden of Eden and the beginning of the human condition marked by original sin.

3. How does the Bible describe the state of sinful man?

The Bible describes the state of sinful man as someone who is separated from God due to sin. In Scripture, the need for redemption and reconciliation with God is emphasized.

The apostle Paul, in his epistles, writes about the sinful nature inherent in all human beings, highlighting man's inability to achieve righteousness on his own merits.

4. Who sinned first Adam or Eve?

The Bible does not specify who sinned first between Adam and Eve. In the biblical account, both participated in the act of disobedience, and both are considered responsible for original sin.

The theological importance lies in the fact that both Adam and Eve disobeyed God, resulting in the fall of humanity.

5. How does the sin of Adam and Eve affect us today?

The sin of Adam and Eve has profound implications for all humanity. The doctrine of original sin teaches that we are all heirs of this state of sin, being born with a nature inclined towards evil.

This does not mean that we are responsible for the sins of Adam and Eve, but that we have inherited a propensity to sin. This inclination manifests itself in many ways in our everyday lives, influencing our choices, attitudes and relationships.

What is original sin - Seeds of Faith
What is original sin – Seeds of Faith


In short, original sin is a theological belief that addresses the root of the human problem regarding sin. Through the disobedience of Adam and Eve, humanity fell from its original condition, resulting in a sinful nature passed down to each generation.

This doctrine raises profound questions about individual responsibility, the need for redemption, and divine mercy. To the next!

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