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What is a disciple? Meaning in the Christian life!


In our congregations we hear the word "disciple" often, but how many of us stop to reflect on the real meaning of this word and its implications in our lives?

What is a disciple? - Seeds of Faith
What is a disciple? – Seeds of Faith

In addition to these words that we sometimes don't understand what they mean, there are countless doubts that arise in our heads when it comes to life. Christian.

Here you will find meaning for all your doubts and curiosities.

What is a disciple?

"Disciple" comes from the Latin discipulus, meaning “student” or “apprentice”. In the Christian tradition, disciples were faithful followers of Christ, committed to learning and mirroring Your teachings.


Jesus called people to be Your disciples. He not only invited them to believe in him, but also to transform their lives into a mirror of Your teachings.

He stated in Matthew 16:24: “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross and follow me.”. The call of Jesus it was for a total commitment, a complete transformation.

A Disciple's Journey

Being a disciple of Jesus is a journey of personal growth and transformation.

It begins with the first call, an inner call that leads us to desire to follow in the footsteps of Jesus. It is the beginning of a path of continuous learning, reflection, prayer and service.

As disciples, we are challenged to love and serve others, even when it is difficult. It is the trials and tribulations we face on our journey that strengthen us and shape our character.

The journey of a disciple is a journey of constant growth in faith and trust in God.

Women in Discipleship

Women have played a crucial role in the history of discipleship. The Bible mentions several women who followed Jesus during His earthly ministry.

Among them, Mary Magdalene, who was the first to witness the resurrection of Jesus; Martha and her sister Mary, who opened their home to Jesus and His disciples; and the Samaritan woman, who became an evangelist after her encounter with Jesus.

These women, and many others, left a lasting legacy. They defied the cultural and religious norms of their day to follow Jesus, and through their actions and faith, they demonstrated the transformative power of discipleship.

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FAQ – “What is a disciple?”

“What does it mean to be a disciple?”

Being a disciple means being a follower and learner of Jesus. This involves learning from His teachings, modeling our lives after His example, and conveying His love and message to the world.

“Who were Jesus’ first disciples?”

Jesus' first disciples are known as the twelve apostles: Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James, son of Alphaeus, Thaddaeus, Simon and Judas Iscariot, who was replaced by Matthias after his betrayal.

How can I be a disciple today?”

Being a disciple today involves living according to the teachings of Jesus. This includes loving others, living humbly, and practicing faith daily. Although we cannot follow Jesus physically, we can follow His teachings and example.

“Why is it important to be a disciple?”

Being a disciple is important because it allows us to live the life that Jesus taught us to live. He offers us a path of love, compassion, and service to others. By being disciples, we come closer to God and transmit His love to the world.

“Is being a disciple the same thing as being a Christian?”

Being a disciple and being a Christian are related, but they have different nuances. Being a Christian generally refers to believing in Jesus as the Son of God and the Savior of humanity.

Being a disciple, however, goes beyond belief. It involves actively following the teachings and example of Jesus in our everyday lives.

How many of Jesus' disciples were fishermen?

Initially, Peter, James, John, Andrew and Philip were all fishermen before they were called to be apostles.

After Jesus' death, Peter took command of the Church that Christ founded, while the other apostles spread the Gospel.

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