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What does Jesus expect from his followers? Tips for your life!


What does Jesus expect from his followers? Jesus' teachings provide clear guidance on what He expects from His followers.

What does Jesus expect from his followers? - Seeds of Faith
What does Jesus expect from his followers? – Seeds of Faith

His words and examples serve as a guide for those who wish to follow him closely. 

In this text, we will explore Jesus' expectations for His followers and how we can apply these principles in our daily lives. 

We will see that Jesus expects His followers to love God above all else, love one another, do justice, be merciful, humble themselves, and live a life of commitment and dedication to the Kingdom of God. 


By understanding and embracing these expectations, we can grow in our faith and become true disciples of Jesus. What does Jesus expect from his followers?!

What does Jesus expect from his followers? 

Jesus set clear expectations for those who choose to follow him. His teachings guide us on how we should live and act as His disciples.

First, Jesus expects us to love God above all else, putting Him first in our lives and seeking an intimate relationship with Him. 

He also calls us to love one another as He loved us, demonstrating sacrificial and selfless love.

Furthermore, Jesus expects His followers to practice justice, acting righteously and in accordance with the principles of the Kingdom of God.

It calls us to be merciful, forgiving others and showing compassion in all circumstances.

Jesus also urges us to humble ourselves, recognizing our dependence on Him and abandoning pride and arrogance. 

He expects His followers to live a life of commitment and dedication to the Kingdom of God, renouncing selfish interests and putting His words into practice.

By following these expectations, we become authentic reflections of Jesus in the world. 

He expects us to be light and salt on the earth, positively influencing those around us and sharing the love and message of the Gospel.

How will followers of Jesus Christ save themselves? 

The salvation of followers of Jesus Christ is a central theme in the Christian faith. According to the Bible, salvation comes through faith in Jesus as the Son of God and the only Savior.

Followers of Jesus are called to believe in His sacrifice on the cross as redemption for the sins of humanity. 

It is an act of God's grace, freely offered to all who believe in Jesus.

It involves recognizing our need for salvation because of sin, sincerely repenting, and surrendering our lives to Jesus as Lord and Savior. 

Through this surrender and trust in Jesus, we are reconciled with God and receive the gift of eternal life.

In addition to faith in Jesus, followers are called to live according to His teachings. 

Genuine repentance is accompanied by a transformation of life, as we seek to follow the ways of Jesus, love God and others, practice justice and live in obedience to God's commandments. 

However, it is important to highlight that salvation is not achieved through one's own works or merits, but is a gracious gift from God. 

It is the response to God's unconditional love for us, manifested in Jesus. It is through Jesus, and only through Him, that followers find hope and certainty of salvation.

What are the main teachings of Jesus? 

Jesus' teachings are profound and impactful, leaving a lasting legacy for humanity.

Among the main teachings of Jesus are the love of God above all and the love of your neighbor as yourself. 

He emphasized the importance of humility, compassion, and mercy, urging His followers to forgive and seek reconciliation.

Jesus also emphasized the practice of justice and kindness, encouraging care for the poor, oppressed, and marginalized. 

Furthermore, He taught about the importance of prayer, faith and trust in God.

Jesus challenged His followers to deny themselves, to take up their crosses daily, and to follow His example of service and sacrifice. 

His teachings revolutionized religious and social concepts, showing a path of abundant and eternal life in communion with God.

Who were Jesus' disciples?

Jesus' disciples were a special group of followers that He chose to be by His side during His earthly ministry.

They were simple men, from different origins and occupations, who left everything to follow Jesus. 

The twelve apostles were the main disciples, selected by Jesus to be witnesses of His teachings and miraculous works.

Among them were Peter, John, James and others. 

In addition to the twelve, there were also other disciples who followed Jesus and shared His mission.

Women such as Mary Magdalene, Mary, mother of Jesus, and Martha were also considered disciples. 

These disciples dedicated their lives to learning from Jesus, witnessing His teachings, and spreading the Gospel message.

The disciples went through a learning process with Jesus, being instructed about the Kingdom of God, taught about love, service and humility. 

They witnessed miracles, received profound teachings and were commissioned to continue Jesus' work after His death and resurrection.

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FAQ – (Frequently Asked Questions)

What does Jesus expect from his followers?

Jesus expects his followers to have faith in him and his teachings, and to seek a personal and transformative relationship with God.

“What are the main values and principles that Jesus expects his followers to follow?”

Jesus expects his followers to practice love for others, compassion, humility, forgiveness, justice, honesty and the search for peace.

“How does Jesus expect his followers to relate to others?”

Jesus expects his followers to love and serve one another, to be generous, supportive, and willing to sacrifice themselves for the benefit of others, following the example of love and service he demonstrated during his earthly life.

“How does Jesus expect his followers to live their daily lives?”

Jesus expects his followers to live according to the principles of the Kingdom of God, putting God first in their lives, pursuing holiness, seeking the truth, avoiding evil, being honest, responsible, righteous, and living in obedience to the commandments of God. God.

“What does Jesus expect his followers to do toward those in need and the marginalized?”

Jesus expects his followers to be compassionate and active in helping the needy and marginalized, caring for the poor, orphans, widows, the sick and the oppressed, seeking justice and promoting social transformation in the name of God's love.

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