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Discover the story of Jesus' Easter


The story of Jesus' Easter is one of the pillars of the Christian faith and is retold annually by billions of people around the world - See More...

But beyond the celebrations and rituals, what is the deep meaning and details of this narrative that make it so impactful and transformative?

And, as we delve into this story, we come across another fundamental question: What does the name Jesus mean? Of Hebrew origin, the name “Jesus” means “God saves” or “Yahweh is salvation”, perfectly reflecting his redemptive mission.

What is the true story of Jesus' Passover?

The story of Jesus' Easter is an intricate tapestry of events, emotions and meanings, whose depth goes beyond the mere recounting of events.


It begins with his triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Riding on a donkey, Jesus is greeted with palm branches by a crowd that acclaims him as the Messiah.

This event marks not only the people's recognition of his works and teachings, but also the beginning of a week that would transform the history of humanity.

The Last Supper, celebrated with his disciples, is a moment of profound communion and revelation. Here, Jesus anticipates his sacrifice, sharing the bread and wine as symbols of his body and blood.

He also reveals Judas' betrayal and predicts Peter's denials, demonstrating his omniscience.

Jesus' betrayal and subsequent trial highlight the complexity of human nature, with its fears, ambitions and weaknesses.

Even though he is innocent, Jesus is condemned to crucifixion – a painful and humiliating death reserved for criminals.

On Calvary, the crucifixion becomes the culmination of Jesus' sacrifice. But his death on the cross is not the end. Instead, it is the prelude to the greatest miracle: his resurrection.

Three days after being buried, Jesus resurrects, overcoming death and consolidating the hope of salvation and eternal life.

This narrative is not just an account of suffering and triumph. Above all, it is the maximum demonstration of divine love, of a God who became man, suffered and died to redeem humanity.

The story of Jesus' Easter - Seeds of Faith
The story of Jesus’ Easter – Seeds of Faith

FAQ – (Frequently asked questions)

What exactly happened during Jesus' Passover?

Jesus' Passover encompasses a series of events, from his triumphal entry into Jerusalem, through the Last Supper with his disciples, his crucifixion and, finally, his resurrection three days later.

Why was Jesus crucified?

Jesus was crucified due to a combination of religious and political factors. He was seen as a threat by both Jewish religious leaders and Roman authorities.

What is the significance of Jesus' resurrection?

The resurrection of Jesus symbolizes victory over death and sin, and is the foundation of the Christian faith, offering the promise of eternal life to believers.

Why is the Last Supper so significant?

The Last Supper is the moment when Jesus instituted the Eucharist, one of the central sacraments of Christianity. During supper, he shared the bread and wine as symbols of his body and blood.

How does Jesus' Passover differ from the Jewish Passover?

The Jewish Passover, or Pesach, is a celebration of the liberation of the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. Christian Easter celebrates the resurrection of Jesus, marking his victory over death.

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