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Job, Chapter 40:


Verses from Job, Chapter 40 of the book of Job in the Bible.

Job - Old Testament
Job – Old Testament
  • 1. Then the Lord answered Job and said:
  • 2. “Can he who contends with the Almighty correct him? May he answer to God who accuses him!”
  • 3. Then Job answered the Lord:
  • 4. “I am unworthy; How can I answer you? I put my hand over my mouth.
  • 5. I have spoken once, but I will not reply; yes, twice, but I will not add more.”
  • 6. Then the Lord spoke to Job out of the storm:
  • 7. “Prepare yourself now like a strong man; I will ask you questions, and you will answer me.
  • 8. “Do you intend to nullify my justice? Would you condemn me to justify yourself?
  • 9. Do you have an arm as powerful as God's? Do you thunder with a voice as powerful as his?
  • 10. Dress in majesty and dignity; adorn yourself with glory and splendor.
  • 11. Unleash your wrath and pour out your wrath; look at every arrogant person and humble him.
  • 12. Look upon every proud man and subdue him; crush the wicked where they are.
  • 13. Bury them together in the dust; hide their faces in the tomb.
  • 14. Then I will also recognize him as being able to save himself.
  • 15. “Behold Behemoth, whom I created, as well as you; he feeds on grass like an ox.
  • 16. See how much strength he has in his loins, and how much energy in the muscles of his belly.
  • 17. He makes his tail move like a cedar; the nerves in your thighs are strong.
  • 18. Their bones are bronze tubes, their structure is like iron bars.
  • 19. He is God's masterpiece, but his Creator can approach him with his sword.
  • 20. The mountains provide food for him, and all the wild animals play around him.
  • 21. He lies down under the shady trees, in the shelter of the reeds and the marsh.
  • 22. Shade trees cover him with their shade; the willows of the brook surround it.
  • 23. When a river overflows, it is not shaken; even though the Jordan rises up to his mouth, he remains calm.
  • 24. Can someone catch him by the eyes, or tie his nose with a rope?

Online Bible

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