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Job, Chapter 21:


Verses from Job, Chapter 21 of the book of Job in the Bible.

Job - Old Testament
Job – Old Testament


  • 1. Then Job replied:
  • 2. “Listen carefully to my words; May this be the consolation you offer me.
  • 3. Bear with me while I speak; Then they can mock me.
  • 4. Am I complaining about men? Why shouldn't I be impatient?
  • 5. Look at me and be amazed; cover your mouth with your hand.
  • 6. When I think about it, I get scared; my whole body shakes.
  • 7Why do the wicked live? Why do they age and prosper?
  • 8. Their children stand before them, and their descendants are in sight.
  • 9. Your homes are safe and secure, free from fear; God's punishment does not affect them.
  • 10. His bulls are always mating, and his cows give birth without any problems.
  • 11. They let their children go like a flock; their little ones dance for joy.
  • 12. They sing to the sound of the tambourine and the harp, and they rejoice to the sound of the flute.
  • 13. The wicked spend their lives in prosperity and go down to the grave in peace.
  • 14. Yet they say to God, 'Depart from us! We do not wish to know your ways.
  • 15. Who is the Almighty that we should serve him? What advantage will we have in praying to him?'
  • 16. But the prosperity they enjoy does not depend on them; Therefore I turn away from the counsel of the wicked.
  • 17. “For how often does the lamp of the wicked go out? How many times does misfortune strike them, brought by the wrath of God?
  • 18. How often are they tossed to the wind like chaff, and swept up in the hurricane like dust?
  • 19. You say that God reserves punishment for the children of the wicked. May he himself receive the punishment, so that he can learn his lesson!
  • 20. May he himself see his ruin, and drink from the wrath of the Almighty!
  • 21. For what will your family care when the number of your months comes to an end?
  • 22. “Will anyone teach you the knowledge of God? Does he, who judges the highest, need to be instructed?
  • 23. Some die in full vigor, completely calm and at peace,
  • 24. with a well-nourished body and bones full of marrow.
  • 25. Others die bitter, without ever having tasted the good.
  • 26. Both lie in the dust, covered in worms.
  • 27. “I know very well your thoughts, the plots you make against me.
  • 28. You ask, 'Where is the great man's house? Where is the tent of the wicked?'
  • 29. Have you never asked those who travel? Have you never paid attention to what they say?
  • 30. For they assert that the wicked is spared in calamity, that he escapes in the day of wrath.
  • 31. Who accuses him to his face for what he has done? Who repays him for the evil he did?
  • 32. When he is taken to the grave, he will keep watch at the tomb.
  • 33. The valley is smooth to him; multitudes follow him, and a multitude without number precedes him.
  • 34. “So how can you console me with empty words? What remains of your answers is pure falsehood!”

Online Bible

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